Sixty - two

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I opened my eyes to notice that the Trix was gone. I glance up to see my dad and Emalia's dad standing over me. They wore concerning looks on their faces. I turn my attention to my mom and Emalia's mom and they was standing over the phone. They cried frantically dialing a number.

"Bloom I'm glad you're awake!" Dad smiled helping me up.

"Bloom, honey are you okay?" Mom gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Yes I'm fine but are you guys okay?" I asked hugging my mom back even though she was crushing me.

"Yea but we are trying to reach Sonya but she is not answering her phone!" Emalia's mom cried.

"I'm pretty sure she is fine honey, this is Sonya we are talking about!" Emalia's dad tried to cheer his wife.

"We can't be sure because of the Trix are after me they were after Emalia too! I have to go and check on her!" I told my and Emalia's parents.

I turn to face the door of the house. I just hope Emalia is okay. But I didn't feel her presence like I usually do. Then a bright light lit up the living room. I turned to face the light with my heart beating like a raging drum.

"Oh no, the Trix are back!" I shouted with worry.

"Try to remain calm Bloom," Dad asked me rubbing my back trying to calm me down.

The light dimmed. In the place of the light was Stella. She smiled at me until she saw I was looking scared. She came over to me holding me.

"Stella!" I smiled a little.

"Bloom! You okay? Hey what's wrong?" Stella interrogate me glancing around the room.

"The Trix.... they took my powers and think they're now after Emalia!"

"They took your powers and they could be after Emalia now! We have to go and informed Headmistress Faragonda about this so she can teleport us to Emalia's house!"

"Maybe we should go and check on Emalia, you girls don't have your powers to fight against these Trixes girls!" Emalia dad chimes.

"Hahaha! It's not the Trixes but the Trix! It's best if you stay here with my parents so you won't be in the way if they are their at the house! Now you are not a threat to the Trix anymore so it's best to stay here until I give you guys the heads up to come back!" I informed Emalia's dad.

"Honey Bloom is right it's best if the girls handle it and plus I trust they know the best way to take down the Trix!" Emalia's mom encourages winking over at me and Stella.

"I guess I'll quickly pack you ladies some slices for the road!" My mom beamed with delight.


All the witches of Cloud Tower was in the cafeteria room for their lunching period. They was carrying on their conversations. The lunch room roared with life. Until a huge darker auras walked into the cafeteria. It was the Trix along with a fairy, a duckling, and huge orge with them. They smirked at every last one of us. The whole cafeteria went into a murmuring frenzy.

"What are you girls doing here? I thought I expelled you and told you to never come back to this school again!" I told the three witches.

I attacked with green magic. That magic turned them into a bubble surrounding the mischievous bunch.

"Nice try, Griffin!" Icy complemented with a sly smile.

"But things are little bit different now!" Darcy chimes beaming with evil delight.

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