Sixty - six

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Office: Headmistress Faragonda

I was in my office thinking of ways to dissolve this situation at hands. I was on the line with Saladin as we trying out best to get over on the Trix. My girls and staff are fighting with the boys at Red Fountain doing that endlessly. Then Bloom lost her powers and Emalia is being controlled by the Trix! What else can go wrong? Then a voice echoed through Alfea and it sound like it was Icy.

"You have twelve hours to surrender or face total annihilation. Resistance is futile!" Icy commanded sounding confident as her voice disappeared.

"Those witches are totally insane!" I told Saladin as I had an crazy look on my face.

"Yes. Those three witches are exactly like their ancestors," Saladin replied shaking his head.

"Except that their ancestors could never have obtained the powers of the Dragon Flame and Mystic Dragon Flame!"

"Mmm. We'll have to work together. I'll go back to Red Fountain and organize a defense strategy. We've got to act quickly!"

Saladin ended the line leaving me back in my quiet office. I sighed feeling the weight of the situation on my shoulders. The only thing I can do is call in Bloom and her friends in my office. I called Professor Palladium and told him to bring Bloom and her friends inside my office. After a few minutes Bloom, her friends, and Professor Palladium came into the office lined up before me.

"Hello Headmistress Faragonda," The girls said with a tired look.

"Hello girls sorry for calling you on short notice but I need a favor out of you girls," I said getting straight down to business.

"Whatever you need we are here to help Headmistress Faragonda!" Stella replied with a strong and determined look on her face.

"The witches are planning an attack against us. They're doing what their ancestors did. Back then, they had seriously jeopardized the dimension's balance of power. And now, another generation of witches has taken up the fight. And this time, they possess a weapon their ancestors did not - your and Emalia's powers. And that makes them utterly invincible. Bloom, listen carefully. At this point in time, the only thing for you to do is to go back to Domino," I informed the girls.

"To Domino? Uh, but why? What about Emalia?" Bloom bombarded me with questions.

"Because it was their three ancestors who destroyed your birthplace, Bloom. They eradicated your kingdom. And now, Icy, Darcy and Stormy are following in their evil footsteps. And I'm thinking that, perhaps somewhere in the remnants of the Royal Palace, you might be able to find a clue, a shred of evidence, something, anything, that could help you regain what you've lost - The Dragon Flame. Bloom, you are our only chance. And as for Emalia I'm thinking she can get herself out of the Trix control but after that I'm not sure. But we have to worry about your powers Bloom because the dragon Flame is the only thing that can stop Mystic Dragon Flame and Emalia," I explained

"In that case, we'll go with you!" Musa encouraged.

"Absolutely we're not letting you go there alone!" Flora exclaimed.

"This is a difficult task to let you handle by yourself," Tecna smiled.

"Thanks girls!" Bloom smiled sadly.

"All right, everybody. You all set and ready to begin? Now listen, girls. I've done a complete overhaul of the system and in a few seconds, the simulator will create a multi-dimensional corridor, which will take you directly to Domino. Now remember, this time, it's for real! It's not a simulation. So, concentrate, relax and stay focused. I wish you all the best of luck!" Professor Palladium explained to the girls.

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