Sixty - three

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Lecture Hall: Icy

Me and my sisters gathered all the witches into the lecture hall. They trembled with fear as they couldn't seat still in their seats. Our puppet Emalia was standing in front of the scared witches. Her hands behind her back ready to cause chaos by the snap of me and my sisters fingers! I can't wait to put her to real use!!

"Witches of Cloud Tower! Welcome to our little pep rally! As your newly self-appointed student body president I'm planning on making some major changes around here," I paused for an dramatic effect before contiuing on with my speech. "And I'm not talking about things like putting soda machines in the cafeteria, ladies. We're gonna take over the whole realm of Magix!!!!"

I perceive banging noise from behind me. I turned around to see those crummy teachers Ediltrude and Zarathustra trying to break free from their magical bubbles. My blue eyes went off to Griffin who was locked handcuffs around her wrist as she stood in her magical bubble. Anger was evident on her heavy make up face.

"Oh no!" Griffin exaggerate shaking her head down.

"We won't let you do this, Icy!!" Zarathustra exclaimed still banging on the bubble.

"You have no say, because you'll be spending a nice long sabbatical in the dungeons of Cloud Tower!!" I replied with an evil smirk.

"You three won't get away with this!!" Griffin warned.

"Oh we will Headmistress!!! Didn't you notice we have the Dragon Fire and the Mystic Fire in our hands!!" I reminded the old hag of a Headmistress.

"Oh no!!!" Griffin screamed.

"And you know what we're gonna use it to summon the Army of Decay!!" Darcy smiled devilishly.

"No, not that!!!!! You can't do this, Icy, the Army of Decay is too powerful!!!! Once unleashed it will completely destroy everything in its path!!!!!" Griffin complained trying to break out the chains.

"Just watch me!!" I smirked walking out of the lecture room.

Headmistress Faragonda's office: Faragonda

I was sitting in my chair of desk with my fingertips touching each other. My heart was racing as I panicked! I can't believe this is going to happen!! Professor Griffin isn't answering none of my phone calls, which is strange. Standing before me was Professor Palladium and Professor Wizgiz. We was on the phone with Professor Saladin of Red Fountain.

"Have you heard anything, Professor Saladin?" I asked Professor Saladin hoping for some good news.

"Nothing. I've tried contacting Miss Griffin at Cloud Tower and all I get is a message, a young voice saying "Love, don't live here anymore" and then laughter," Professor Saladin replies sounding worried.

"Sounds like Icy and her girls have already seized control of the school," I said with my hands balled up in a ball.

"I'm putting my students on high alert! I suggest you do the same!" Saladin warned ending the call.

Professor Wizgiz looked fearful. His face then changed with concern. His hands were sweating as he held his straps to his pants. Professor Palladium's hand was under his chin as he was thinking of something. This is all happening all at once and I wished everything could stop!

"Maybe I should get on the magi-com and cancel all the classes?" Professor Wizgiz questioned as he looked at me for confirmation.

" No! I don't want to frighten the girls. Not if I don't have to. But tell the faculty to be prepared!" I told Professors Wizgiz and Palladium.

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