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"SONYA!" The girl shouted as she was transforming into her fairy self.

As the girl transformed there was a bright light of dark red and dark purple surrounded her and then the light disappeared as she was now flying to protect her friend.

"You know what I had enough with you too, ICE BRACELET!" Icy said as her ice magic spilling out of her hand.

"LUNAR SHIELD!" Sonya said protecting herself and the girl from the attack.

"Let me handle this sister!" I smiled evilly," HEEL OF OBLIVION!"

Sonya flew up while her friend just jumped out of my spell away, dodging it.

"You want a whirl! TWISTER!" Stormy spoke as she coasted a twister spell.

Sonya dodge it but her friend got caught in it, landing in the fissure. Sonya flew to get her friend but I cashed my Heel of Oblivion spell on Sonya as she hit the ground hard.

"SONYA!" The red haired girl yelled trying to get her to save her as she was struggling to stay up.

"Sorry Earth girl but your pathetic friend can't save you this time!" Icy said with a evil smile levitating the jewelry box and ticks it away. "You pathetic Earth girl! How'd you even get into this school? You don't have any Winx at all!"

"You're wrong! I DO have Winx!" The red haired girl shouted still struggling to stay up.

"She do have Winx! More Winx than me!" Sonya said as she was standing proudly with a smirk. "HURRICANE WIND!"

Sonya's Hurricane Wind spell knocked me and Stormy off my feet. This Sonya girl is powerful too powerful for her own good. I weakly looked over to see Sonya was distracted and so I got my Vacuums and it scanned Sonya. The vacuums bottle levels was high as I was shocked, this girl holds the powerful Mystic Dragon Flame, and she don't even know who she is nor how powerful she is!


The party is great but it was missing one person, Sonya! I searched everywhere for Sonya and I haven't found her. My eyes darted from fairy to fairy, but then I spotted one of Sonya's friend, Stella talking to Prince Sky! I walked over to Sky and Stella as they was laughing and loving up on each other.

"Sorry to interrupt you two lovely time but I'm wondering have seen Sonya anywhere?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

"Last time I saw her Prince Falen was when you gave her that egg, come to mention it, I haven't seen her nor Bloom here? Me and the other Winx will look for her Falen along with Bloom I've seen pretty boy Brandon looking down over at the punch bowl!" Stella replied walking away from Prince Sky to look for her friends so they can find Sonya and Bloom.

I turned my head over to the beautifully decorated lunch bowl to see true enough that Brandon was looking sad hanging around the punch bowl. I nudge Prince Sky and he saw what I saw and we both mentally decided to cheer Brandon up!

"Brandon what's the long face for?" Prince Sky asked his best friend with a worry look.

"It's just the party is almost over and I haven't got the chance to dance with Bloom and have our first dance," Brandon replied gloomily.

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