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I followed this voice from my dreams, the lady was calling to me. I was pushing my way through the crowd as I heard the voice sounding like it was getting closer. Then I saw a street performer which quickly turned into the last in my dream.

"Come to me Bloom! Come to me!" The lady said as she looked at me.

"I'm coming!" I said as she was getting farther away from me

"Come find me! Your destiny awaits you!"

I was getting close to the lady until I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around I see it was Timmy. I turened back around with a confuse and worry look on my face to see the lady had disappeared and a random street performer was taking her place.

"Bloom, I found you!" Timmy smiled at me as I turned back to look at him.

"Timmy?! Uh...," I replied looking back at the street performer with wonder.

I looked back to the woman from my dreams but the performer looks like herself like before.

"Are you alright, Bloom?" Timmy asked me with worry.

"Yea, I must have spaced out!" I laughed a little.

"I bumped into the other guys and they said you vanished. Come on, let's go try to find them!" Timmy spoke weirdly but I walked with him anyways.

"What do you mean vanished? I was just with everybody like five minutes ago!"

"Oh, well, uh, hey, you know, uh, I heard about the disagreement with, uh, Stiven!"

"Uh, who?"

"Uh, I mean Riven. I'm sorry!"

Timmy continues to laugh nervously and grabs my shoulders before hastily letting go of me again. I was confused by his odd behaviour but is overcome with sudden guilt about Riven.

"I feel bad!" I was sad as the scene with Riven kept replaying.

"Well, I know just the way you can patch things up!" Timmy smiled at me.

"You do?"

"Of course my Riven's friend after all!"

Timmy pulled out of his pocket a small black case. It was shiny and new and it resembles a headband a little bit but knowing that it comes from Magix I knew it was meant for something else.

"Um,Timmy what is it?" I questioned with wonder.

"Just let me, eugh!" Timmy struggle to get it open.

The case pops open and Timmy laughs in relief. He withdraw a set of headphone looking things and put them on his head. They slip forward to cover his eyes. I still notice his odd behaviour. I knew something felt wrong but I continue to ignore these strange signs.


"Ladies and Gentleman and creatures from all Realms, welcome to the annual Race for the Rose. Will last year's champion go home with his third Rose trophy or have last year's losers learned a thing or two?" The announcer said with excitement.

"You remember our bet?" I asked Sonya as she was walking along side my bike as I pulled it up to the starting line.

"No I don't can you remind me!" Sonya joked as she faked to think.

"You remember if I win I get a kiss!"

"And remember if you lose you have to do all my chores and perform some embarrassing acts for me!"

"Oh I won't do that but you can get your lips ready for my kiss!"

"Let's first worry about you passing the finish line before you can get your kiss!"

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