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We was in this nasty and disgusting swamp waiting for this idiot of a troll to come to us. I leaned on a nice and clean tree, Darcy was filing her nails, and Stromy was being her usual impatient self.

"This is taking too long!" Stormy said she as was creating lightning on the ground.

"Stormy, don't flip out and stop making lightning! That empty headed brute will be here any minute now," I told Stormy.

"Yeah Stormy chill!" Darcy said still filing her nails.

"Our lovely "Fume de Doom" is really drawing him in!" I said with a smile spraying more of our perfume.

"It's allure is irresistible!" Darcy said with a evil smile.

"Our scent is sublime, but what if he got stuck in the sinkslime?" Stormy said in worried.

"And he does like to roar. The Quietus Carnivorous could've gotten. Hhmmm," I said as this dark purple baby duckling calling me mommy.

"MOMMY!" Pepe shouted trying to get my attention.

"You again?" Darcy questioned with shock.

"Sooo cute!"

"I despise cute! That oughta keep it him quiet!" I said with a evil smile as I freeze him.

In the distance, a loud troll roared loudly. The roar was so loud me and my sisters had to cover our ears.

"Huh?" Darcy questioned.

"See witches! I told you he will be here!" I said with a evil smile.

The troll sniffed the air clearing the green bushes showing himself.

"Me like smell!" The troll said walking over to me and the sisters.

"Be quiet and listen up. They were going to take you to Magix for interrogation, but, see, unfortunately for you, we can't let that happen," Stormy said with a huge devilish smile on her face holding her hands up.

"That's right! Our secret has to vanish!" I said holding my hands up.

"And that means so does you! Have fun in Limbo!" Darcy said holding her hands up casting her spell.

After a few seconds the troll was sent to the dimension of Limbo. Once that was down, I dusted my hands off as a devilish smirk appeared on my lips.

"That's settles it, sisters!" Stormy said with a smile.

"Come on sisters lets go back to Cloud Tower!" I said as me and my sisters vanished from the Black-Mud Swamp.


The Winx and the Specialists was following the trails of the troll. I hold my head as I was losing my steps. Lucky for me, Falen caught me with worry in his eyes.

"Are you okay Sonya, what did you feel?" Falen questioned me with worry.

"Like I lost the troll is not here anymore," I said as I holding myself up.

"Yea I felt the same thing!" Bloom and Flora said with worry.

"Flora lets get real! I've been trying to hear the Voice of Nature for about a few minutes now!" Stella exclaimed her arms folded.

"I can't feel it at all!" Musa said with a little sad look.

"I can't feel it either. I'm can't hear the Voices of Nature, I'm from a wired realm, but believe me we can trust Bloom, Flora, and Sonya to lead the way!" Tecna encouraged with a smile.

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