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I went to the east tower to really and truly be alone. The sun was shining down on Alfea, the forest, and even Magix City. Hands in my pocket as I reached the top of the Tower letting the sun hit me. Bathing in the warmth of the sun as me and my mother used to do back at home.

"I remember when you used to tell me about this place mom... You said it was your favorite spot when you went to Alfea," I said softly and gently to myself as if my mom was here with me.

I gazed across to see Magix City that looks far away but close enough to see what's going on over there. A little warm smile came on my face as a tear rolled down my face.

"The spot where dad first kissed you and the place you first met," I said to myself as I held my head down as the tears was hitting the concrete of flooring of the East Tower of Alfea.

I looked down sadly, remembering her memories. I then took out an flower-like objects and gazes at it with gentle eyes. Holding it tenderly in my hands like it was the most fragile thing in the world.

"Alright," I said to myself, I set the object down and sits next to it. "Here you go!"

I waved my hand over the object and a hologram of my mother appears. She gave me her loving smile as she waved back at me. That's when I realize I missed her more than I thought and felt like I did.

"So... Let me tell you what's been going on... Classes are good and I'm acing potions!" I smiled as tears slowly rolled down my face as the hologram of my mother gave me a worry glance on her holographic face. "And I met this cool guy, his names Riven... And he's a total blazer! I mean, he's kinda... rough around the edges, but I think that's his way of flirting, you know?"

I spoking trying to change the subject and mood of seeing my mother as she went back to smiling again. I picked up the object, waves my hand over the object and it closes.

"Anyway, I'm gonna spend the whole day with you! We'll trip down to the Gazebo on the lake and then I'll take you to the studio and play you this tune I wrote!"


Sonya and Falen came back to the group once she calmed down. We parted ways with the boys as they was getting ready for the race while me, Sonya, and Bloom walked around to see the street performers. The crowd was getting bigger by the second causing the three of us to hold hands as we navigate through the crowded audience of people. Bloom and Sonya watched them in awe as I didn't since I've seen most of that stuff back at home.

"Princess Bloom and Princess Sonya come on!" I said as I was trying to lead us out of this crowd.

But they walked even slower after that and I turned around see that was looking at these specific street performers. Bloom and Sonya let go of my hand as they was getting lost in the crowd. I panicked as I felt like I was alone and didn't have anyone. I was frozen in place as I was in my own little world. Going into the little old 7 year old me, when I had the 2 pigtails in my head as I remembered on how I got picked on because of my voice back at school.

"Look guys it's the Screeching Stella!" One Boy from my past said as him and his friends laughed at me.

"Screeching Stella what kind of clothes you got on?" One the girls snickered as she her friends giggled at me.

"It something I made do you like it?" Hoping to get some praise over my newly made outfit.

"No now screech your tears somewhere else!"

I cried and I cried, hearing them laughed and mean comments broke my spirits. The little 7 year old me got on my knees and cried in my hands as the tears was seeping through my hands.

"Stella..... Stella are you okay......... Stell?" A familiar voice said pulling me out of my worst nightmare.

I opened my eyes blinking them as I was getting adjusted to the light of the sun. I looked up to see a worried Sonya as she had her hand out to help me up off the sidewalk. My eyes darted from person to person to see they was staring at me with worry. I put my hand in Sonya's hand as she helped me up as I fixed myself.

"Stell are you okay you was crying and looked distraught?" Sonya asked worriedly.

"Yea I'm fine Son, perfectly fine!" I lied with a not so convincing smile.

"Stella I know when your lying so just tell me the truth!"

"Okay let's just say it was a day nightmare!"

"Alright, but we'll talk about this later on but let's go find Bloom,"


Me and my sisters was in the streets of Magix City. Hiding in the alleys hoping those stupid fairies or anyone who suspiciously knows us try and rat us out. Then we see that boy who has gotten beat up by our Minotaur. Darcy was smirking with an attractive look in her face as she was looking at the angry boy. The boy seemed like he was thinking hard at thought but he got out of it as he sees a happy couple. The boy stared irritatedly at the happy couple as they walked by him and as he leaned against the store front door. 

"Sisters do you see what I see?" I smirked with a evil grin.

"This guy's got a major attitude problem. I like him!" Darcy smirked as her shoulder leaned against the brick wall of a random building store and her hand on her hip.

"Are you falling in love with him, Darcy?" Stormy teased as she had spooky grin on her face.

"That is a four-letter word!" Darcy said as she was upset and got in Stormy's face.

"Save the cat fight for later, you two. We've got some trouble to cause. And I think the King of sulk over there is just the thing we need. Here's the plan: let's play that hulking bad boy against the uppity earth girls and see if we can't wreak some major havoc!" I smiled with a spooky grin of my own.

"Yeah and maybe even make it so that Riven comes over to our side!" Darcy smiled as her gloves hands was closed tightly together.

"Wow Dar you know his name too, what else do you know, his favorite color?" Stormy started back up to teased Darcy.

"CHILL OUT STORMY!" Darcy shouted as I thought I couldn't say it better myself.

"KNUT!" I shouted as Knut appeared in front of me and my sisters by a lightning bolt.

"What did I do? Your Highness, I hope I didn't do anything wrong?" Knut said with worry on his smelly face.

"I need to borrow you!" I smirked with pure evil.

"No, no, please not that again! I don't like being a dung beetle!" Knut shook his head with fear shaking his whole body.

I waved my hands around to cast a blue light and Knut transforms into Timmy.

"Hey! I can't see!" Knut complained as he was blind like a bat.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as clap my hands and Timmy's glasses appear on his (Knut's) face.

"How's that?" I asked with my arms folded.

"Oh. That's better!" Knut smiled in his Timmy form.

"Let the trap be set!" Me and my sisters did our evil laugh as Knut left us to find Bloom and the other pixies fairies to ruin their fun.

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