Forty - eight

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I watched Emalia (Sonya) as she looked confused but mainly lost like she doesn't know where to go or even know what to think. Emalia's friends and Kekipi tried to cheer her up but it was no use as she got up walking to her room. Kekipi roared a little roar as he ran away Emalia. Sighing as Emalia got ready for bed as I was going to explain to her who I am since Headmistress Faragonda had to tell her.

"Emalia, Emalia, Emalia?" I said as I searched for my little sister in her dream as a dark purple and black clouds surrounded me that I couldn't see my surroundings.

"Kala? Where are you?" Emalia questioned as she sound like she was sure of herself.

"Listen to the sound of voice, little sister,"

The dark purple and black clouds cleared and I see Emalia as she turned around me. In Emalia's eyes spoke relief while her body acted like it was frozen in time. Then Emalia's body started moving like a robot towards as I walked like a flowing body of water.

"Emalia, little sister, it's good to see you after all these years!" I smiled but it quickly went away when I turned to touch Emalia with my ghost like hands and didn't feel Sonya's warm hands.

"Are you Kala, my big sister? The lady who called me sister at the store when I was shopping for a dress?" Emalia asked me with a questionable facial expression on her face.

"To answer all your questions yes that is me and I am Kala, your big sister! I'm glad a good family took care of you while you was on Earth!"

My heart broke when I said that. I thought that I should came to Earth with you. Teaching you the way of an Ikaikaian and about Ikaika. Ghost tears came down my face as Emalia looked at me with pity.

"Don't cry, I already know some of the story but you can tell me the whole story once you feel ready to tell me," Emalia said as she gave me a comforting smile.

"I will but let's not worry about that and try to get to know each while answering your dying questions!" I wiped my tears as me and Emalia sat down talking for the rest of that night.

Morning: Icy

We found the powers we have been looking for and it was on Earth all this time but now it's in the grasp of me and my sisters! I've been waiting for this day for so long, being able to take over the Magix Dimension and being the most powerful being in the world.

"Can't you believe of sisters we found the power we have been looking for since we knew about those powers which will be like a few years ago!" Stormy cheered with evil excitement.

"I'm happy so we can take those powers away from those pixies who do even deserve to have it!" Darcy grinned devilishly as her eyes darken with power lust.

"Right but the thing is how do we do that without those other fairies take to intervene as well as Bloom coming in to save Sonya, and Sonya most definitely trying to save Bloom!" I pondered with my hand under my chin as my sisters think along with me.

"MAMA! MAMA! MAMA! MAMA!" That ugly duckling shouted trying to get my attention.

"STOP YELLING YOU UGLY DUCK!" I shouted back at the duck as turned him into a frozen popsicle stick.

Darcy and Stormy laughed at my situation and I gritted my teeth facing my sisters angrily.

"What's so funny?" I asked my sisters angrily.

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