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A/n: I'm going to change Sonya's outfit because I saw this cute outfit picture for her that represents her in my eyes and hopefully we are on the same page on what represents Sonya. Sonya outfit is kinda of edgy but it also kinda sporty for her at the same time. The color palette for this outfit also represents Sonya's color powers.


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After that same what defeat from those stupid fairies, me and my sisters return back to Cloud Tower. Knut went into his stupid and stinky hiding spot. Darcy and Stormy made a circle while I completed the circle.

"Girls don't you think it was strange that, that stupid dumb diary got out of Ivy's powerful ice prison spell?" Darcy informed us with her arms crossed.

"Yeah that was strange even that idiot red haired fairy didn't get out of it!" Stormy pointed out as she have a scrunched us look on her face.

"Do you think she holds the Mystic Dragon Flame?" Darcy questioned.

"Umm no that stupid fairy can't be she just had luck on her side so will we continue to get Stella's scepter!" I informed my two younger sisters.

"So we are still on the search for the Mystic Dragon Flame and the Dragon Flame!" Stormy said with her arms crossed.

"Yes Stormy once we get Stella's scepter the only thing we need to find is the Mystic Dragon Flame, then we could take over the whole Magix dimension and no one can stop us!" I told my sisters as I laughed along with my sister.


I was walking to my next class with Falen as he was still daydreaming about Sonya. Falen was you can say head over hills with Sonya.

"Falen are you excited about tonight?" I asked Falen with a smile on my face.

"Yes I get to see minha bela princesa!" Falen smiled looking up at the ceiling, (Translation: my beautiful princess).

"You know you was most definitely a flirt!"

I laughed and Falen just shook his head not believing me. Then Riven, Timmy, and Sky(Brandon) came walking next to us as we was passing the other guys in the hallways of Red Fountain.

"Brandon what is so funny!" Sky(Brandon) wondered.

"Well Falen doesn't think he is a flirt!" I replied still laughing at Falen.

"Now Falen don't lie to yourself, you are a flirt!" Sky(Brandon) laughed along with me.

"You flirt even when you don't try!" Riven spoke with a smirk on his face.

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