Sixty - seven

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Red Fountain: Saladin

I was in my office trying to think of a way to save my students and professors. This mess with the Trix has gotten way out of hand. I wish I could find the way for this matter to end. Then the doors to my office opened and appeared an burnt yellow ogre and a small purple baby duck in his hands. I know these two belong to the Trix. This must be one of their attacks against the school.

"I hope you two presences here is not one of the evil Trix tricks?" I asked the beings while getting my cane.

"Oh no! We're scared!" The ogre begged with the duck in his hands looking scared. "We just need your help!"

"Quack!" The duck replied with big glossy eyes.

I was doubtful about this situation. Why are these two all of a sudden coming over to the good side? What cause them to leave the Trix's side? Maybe I should give them a chance looking at the little duck did soften my heart. Plus the ogre did sound like he actually mean what he was talking about.

"Should I trust you?" I asked the two beings with a serious tone.

"Yes, you should. Absolutely. We're your friends now. Icy, Darcy and Stormy are mega, ultra bad news! They'll never forgive us for deserting them!" The ogre plead begging for mercy.

Then a blue and dark purple hologram appeared on my desk. I turned around to see it was Icy and Darcy. They had one of their notorious smirk on their face.

"Ahem!!" Icy cleared her throat. "Saladin, you surprise me? I didn't know you liked to entertain traitors?"

"You've chosen to side with the enemy, haven't you? Obviously, you don't know what's good for you!" Darcy barked.

"You crazy witches!!" I shouted knocking the holograms off my desk.

I walked out of my office leaving the ogre and the baby duck inside. Out to the balcony I see my students and my professors out waiting for me as they was quiet waiting to hear me out.

"Young men, the situation is serious!" I began my mini speech. "The time has come to do battle!"

"ARE YOU READY?????" Codatorta yelled at the boys.

"YES SIR!" The boys shouted back holding their weapons in the air.

"On this account, we must not let the witches win!!!!" I told the students and the professors.

Then my boys started attack the Trix's army as they was appearing again. It seems like millions as they march over to our grounds. This battle is going to be a hard and endless battle. I hope me and the boys can prevail and last long in the fight.

Cloud Tower: Darcy

Me and my sisters were chilling in our office with Emalia standing next to the desk. We was upset we lost that idiot Knut but it proved to us who was really on our side. We ordered our army to continue to attack. Soon Red Fountain and that pixie fairy school Alfea will under the palm of our hands.

"Weren't we just great?" I cheesed evilly. "We totally sent them flying!"

"The Trix rule!" Stormy cheered with excitement.

"Ah, but we're not done yet, sisters. The best is yet to come!" Icy commented turning her attention to Emalia. "We going to have to put our friend Emalia out on the front lines of our battle!"

"Yes so she can crush her own friends and classmates heck even her whole pixie school!" I came over to Emalia and put my arms around her shoulders.

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