Forty - nine

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Close to the end of spring break, night time: Sonya

I was sitting on the roof with Kekipi laying in my lap looking at the stars. I finally realize how my life have change in a snap of a finger. One moment I wanted to be a top gymnast to now being a fairy. I petted Kekipi with a smile as he purred under my touch. I held Kekipi before my face as I looked into his adorable eyes.

"Sooner or later you gonna have to learn to fly my baby boy!" I said in a motherly voice as I nuzzle my nose on his nose.

Kekipi roared a baby roar as he looked sad as he didn't want to learn how to fly.

"Kekipi don't do this to me! You're getting to be a big Gynosphinx and you have to learn how to fly!" I said as I held him close to my chest.

Then I felt a disturbance not that far from my house. Then I smelt the flames of an fire. An image appear in my eyes of Bloom's mother florist shop on fire. I got up from the ground as I put Kekipi down on the concrete roof top. I checked my surrounds and even used magic to help me find anyone spying on me. Once I knew the closet was clear I made the Winx symbol with my hands.

"Emalia Magic Winx!" I said as I started to transform into a fairy.

Once I was done I was flying in the air. I quickly picked up Kekipi and flew to my open window. I set Kekipi on my windowpane couch.

"Kekipi I have to go but I'll be back and do not leave this room at all!" I told Kekipi as he roared understanding what I was saying.

I used magic to close my window and flew quickly to the Florist Shop.

Florist Shop

I made it as it was true that it was burning down. I landed inside the fire. All the beautiful flowers was burned to ashes as the destruction of the place was growing stronger. Then I felt my mind slipping from my body as I see the same fire but in that fire was 2 baby girl. One that looks like me and the other that looks like Bloom.

One of the baby that looks like me held an golden emblem in her baby hands. Then the baby threw the emblem in the fire. Luckily I got it in my hands. The golden emblem had a royal crown and underneath it was some writing. It was in fancy cursive writing and it said Emalia. The emblem burned into golden liquid as it slip through my fingertips as I realized that the baby was me. And the baby that looked Bloom next to me is Bloom.

Florist Shop: Bloom

I was out of my daydream to realize that Sonya was still a fairy. I shook Sonya as she came back to the real world.

"Sonya you have to get out of your Winx form and into your human form before the rest of the fire department come and drown the fire out!" I warned Sonya as her eyes widen.

"Alright but you know this fire is too much for our father and fire department to take care by themselves! Maybe with magic we can stop the fire!" Sonya smiled at me as she transformed into her pajamas.

I nodded my head as Sonya made the field around us to keep the smoke to coming towards us. Then we held hands as we used our magic to stop the fire. Soon the fire stopped as Sonya let the field down. We left out of the burnt florist shop before the police and fire department pulled up in front of the shop. Mine and Sonya's parents hugged me and Sonya as the police asked us some questions. The police arrested the guys that was terrorizing my mom with proof that they were the ones to plan the fire to start in the shop.

Everything cleared up and things calmed down. Me, my parents, Sonya, and Sonya's parents searched around the burnt store. As we was searching I could tell that it was breaking my mother's heart since this store was her life. But I couldn't help myself to realize that daydream of baby that I believe to be me in that fire with another baby that looks like Sonya.

"How am I going to fix all this?" My Mom said sadly.

"We just gonna have to remodel and stock the store," Sonya's Mom said as she comfort my mother.

"Or we could use a little bit of magic to get back to how it suppose to be!" Sonya snapped her fingers as the store was back to its usual self.

"Sonya we can't use magic when the news reporters took pictures of the burnt store!" I scolded as I snapped my fingers back to the store being back in its burnt state.

"Sonya, Bloom is right we have to wait a little awhile and "show" progress of redoing the store again!" Sonya's dad said as he had his arms around Sonya's shoulders.

"Fine you guys win this time!" Sonya joked as we all laughed into the night.

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