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Me and the other Winx waited for Sonya, Bloom, and Stella to come back from the apartment. That was about 1 hour ago and it's the end of Professor Palladium's class. Flora, Musa, and I hold our books with worry on what happened with those 3.

"It's been an hour what's taking them so long?" Flora said with worry.

"She's probably holding them up about what to wear to class," Musa joked.

"It's not the time to be joking like this Musa I'm really worried about those 3," I replied with worry as well.

"If we are so worried about them let's just go back to the apartment and see if everything is okay then," Musa pointed out.

"Okay let's go!" Flora said with a little smile.

We quickly made it to the apartment to hear loud bangs and throwing noises going on in the room. Me, Flora, and Musa looked st each other funny and we dashed in the apartment seeing where all the commotion is coming from.

"STELLA WAIT! WHAT -AHHHHH!!!!" Bloom yelled in fear.

"LUNAR SHIELD!" Sonya shouted.

"She's in here!" Musa said as her index finger is gesturing to the direction of mine and Musa's room.

"We're coming Bloom and Sonya!" I shouted back racing to mine and Musa's room.

When I opened the door, I walked in giving Musa and Flora some room to see the mess in the room. I see Stella gives a huff and escapes through the window leaving an angry Sonya and little bit scared Bloom in the room.

"I don't know what's gotten in to Stella but-!" Bloom said in worry and fear.

"Me neither I guess Prince Sky wasn't living up to his Royal status last night," Sonya replied as she had her arms crossed across her chest.

"She threw a chair at you?" I said speechless looking over the broken pieces of the chair that used to be used for my desk.

"She TRIED to throw the chair," Sonya replied with confidence.

"Stella just ended up throwing it to the wall," Bloom added on.

"She threw a raging witch ball at Sonya and Bloom," Flora said shockingly.

"Um, well, that's better," Musa said sarcastically.

"That's not Stella, that was someone or something else pretending to be Stella," Sonya stated as she had her hand under her chin, gesturing she was thinking about the situation.


"I agree with Sonya! She's in danger! I-I don't know what kind of danger but my new powers of judgement are telling me we have to do something!" Bloom informed as she was thinking as well.

"I don't understand why we have to do anything? If she wants to act like a stuck up witch that's her deal!" Musa said as she was getting upset about the thought of helping Stella.

"But what if she's being forced to act against her will?! She could have some sort of spell on her!" I stated with worry of the possible bad things that could or could have happened to Stella.

"Or someone pretending to be Stella but for what reason?" Sonya questioned with wondered.

"That's what I'm saying! Look, we've gotta work together you know to solve this mystery!" Bloom pointed out encouraging us to get down to the bottom of this weird, crazy, and new Stella.

"Okay I understand Bloom but where are we going to start at?" Tecna mentioned as she was thinking about where should we start this investigation.

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