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All of the students of Alfea crowded around the dining tables. We was eating our breakfast. Sonya tiredly ate, Stella and I was cheering up Bloom, Flora was eating her food and giving encouragement here and there, and while Musa just listen.

"Bloom you just have to take it one day at a time!" Stella encourage, eating her breakfast.

"I hope tomorrow will be better!" Bloom said playing with her food.

"Bloom stop playing with your food, you are going to do good and it's just the first day so don't be down on yourself!" Sonya said with a tired smile as she continued to sleep.

"Hey Son are you okay?" Musa asked worriedly to Sonya.

"Yes I am, I'm just tired from the lack of sleep last night," Sonya said having her head resting on her hand.

"Tell us, did you have a bad dream?" Bloom said worriedly putting her hand on Sonya's hand.

"It wasn't a bad dream, I heard this girl's voice calling me but then she called me by a different name like Emalia, before I could even ask who she was or what she wanted from me. She disappeared and I woke up and I couldn't fall back to sleep for the rest of the night," Sonya told us.

"Well if you would like later on tonight I could analyze your dream to help you know who she is if you to Sonya!" I spoke taking a bit of my breakfast.

"Sure I would like that Tecna!" Sonya replied nodding her head yes.

I looked up to see Headmistress Faragonda walking up to the dining table looking down at us with a smile on her face.

"Young ladies, your attention please. I have a very exciting announcement to make: As it is the Alfea tradition we'll kick off the new school year with a formal dance. Our back to school gala will take place tomorrow night and our special guests will be the boys from the Red Fountain School for Heroics and Bravery. We hope you'll be warm and friendly hostesses and make them feel right at home," Head Faragonda said with a smile in her face.

"But not too friendly. Chaperones will be there and love spells and crush potions are forbidden!" Miss Griselda added on with her usual stern look on her face.

"But dancing's encouraged and the boys will bring surprise gifts for all, so I'm sure you'll have a lovely time. I remember my first dance at Alfea, I met my husband there, well anyway, it will be an evening full of enchantment!"

"Ooooh a night full of Specialists, when I mean Specialists I mean Prince Sky!" Stella giggled like a little girl.

"You worry about the Prince Sky, I need to worry about what I'm going to wear for this gala!" Bloom stressed.

"You and amen both need to find something to wear!" Sonya said looking sad.

"No worries Sonya and Bloom, you know your girl Stella got your back!" Stella cheered.

"Hey Flora and Tecna you know what that means right?" Musa smiled.

"No what?" Me and Flora said in unison.

"That means shopping spree!" Musa cheered.


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