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Headmistress Faragonda

I watched it all! Sonya incredible powers. Is she the daughter of Queen Nalani and King Akamai, the youngest sister of Kala? All those years thinking that the lost princess of Ikaika who went to a different planet was dead or possibly even lost forever. If Sonya is the lost princess of Ikaika then she must don't know her real name which is Emalia or about the fate of her sister Kala. Sonya must know her true powers and so does Bloom, but Sonya needs to know her's more and about the fate of her powers.

I walked towards Falen and the Winx girls as they surrounded Sonya as they was smiling with relief that she was okay. The Winx girls and Falen made a pathway for me as Sonya and the others looked at me with Miss Griselda by my side this time after looking at the damages the Trix caused this time.

"Falen and Sonya you must report to my office so I can get your take of the story of what just happened in here!" Miss Griselda ordered but i held my hand up causing Miss Griselda to look shocked by my action.

"Miss Griselda you take Falen with you to your office while I have a private chat with Sonya in my office, if she have enough strength to walk with me, that is?" I said in a questionable tone at Sonya.

Sonya smiled and nodded her head as Falen and the Winx girls helped up off the ground. Sonya wobbled a bit but a few seconds of stand she finally got the muscles in her leg to help up he stand up without the help of her friends.

"Lead the way Headmistress Faragonda!" Sonya smiled brightly.

  I walked away with Sonya behind me to my office. My heart was beating fast on how I could take Sonya but her true life she was suppose to live? Or how your real mom and dad is dead along with your older sister Kala is a ghost, or how your powers were suppose to be meant for evil, and your real home was destroyed by some evil witches. We made it to my office as I opened the door having Sonya closed the door after herself.

"Sonya have a seat?" I asked Sonya with a calm tone of voice gesturing for Sonya to sit in the chair in front of my desk.

"Okay Headmistress Faragonda, what do you have to tell me?" Sonya asked with wondering look on her face. "Is it about how the situation with the Trix started?"

"No it not that, its about who you truly are because I believe you don't realize how strong you truly are power wise. Sonya you not an old ordinary fairy with powers your powers is extraordinary!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that, well do you remember that time in the library when you and Bloom was in the restricted area? I believe you held a book that tells you information about the Mystic Dragon, am I correct?"

"Yes ma'am you are but what does that have to do with my powers?"

"I'm saying is that the Mystic Dragon is your powers,"

Red Fountain: Brandon (Sky)

I was in my room playing with Lady. Brandon is off somewhere at Red Fountain and Timmy is in the computer lab doing something to excite Tecna leaving me and Lady in the room by ourselves. Until Falen came in the room with torn clothes and he seemed tired.

"Falen what happened to you?" I asked in worry as I got up walking towards Falen with Lady behind me.

"The same incident with Bloom happened again with Sonya. The Trix tricked Sonya to go to the Magical Reality Chamber and me and Sonya both fought them. But Sonya took more blows than me but something strange was going on with the Trix?" Falen said as he slowly walked over to his bed and sat down on it.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Sky the Trix knows something more about Sonya than Sonya herself, but I wonder how is that possible?"

"I don't know but you must figure out what the Trix know about Sonya! And don't call me Sky, I'm Brandon!"

"Yea sure you are Prince Sky oooops I mean Squire Brandon!"


"You make sure you do the same for Bloom as well since Sonya and Bloom are more like sisters,"

That really caught me, the Trix did fought with Bloom. The same thing happened with Bloom like it did with Sonya.

"How do you recommend that we find this information about their mysterious encounter with the Trix? They don't have any records of where they live not even what their favorite place to go?" I asked with a pondering look on my face.

"You right but we could stick to the basics and ask questions," Falen recommended with his hand under his chin.

"Yea that could work so we can get to the bottom of this,"

Apartment: Stella

I was filing my nails while the girls waited around in Sonya's and mine room of the apartment. Waiting for her to come back from Headmistress Faragonda's office.

"I hope she is okay?" Flora said in worry as she pet her talking plant.

"I'm just tired of the Trix picking and attacking us when they want to!" Musa shouted in frustration.

"Me 2 and they cost us our mid-terms to be pushed back even further!" Tecna poured as she flipped a page of her magazine.

 "Well that's a good think so I can study some more!" I said with excitement putting the finishing touches to my nails. 

 "Stella even with the test pushed back some more you still won't study for it!" Bloom pointed out with a smile. 

 "I will trust me!" 

 The door to mine and Sonya's room opened to reveal Sonya. She had an blank stare on her face like she she saw something she doesn't believe in. Me and the girls got up from our spots around the room. Kekipi quickly ran over to Sonya with a smile on his face. Once Kekipi made contact with Sonya, he snuggled up to Sonya as she quickly came back to the real world and smiled. 

 "Sonya are you okay? You seemed a little out of it?" Bloom asked with a worry tone sounding like a mother.

 "Yeah some what, I just got some news that I don't really like or understand," Sonya said as she cradled Kekipi close to her. 

 "What is the news?" Flora ask with confusion written all over her face. 

 "The life that I live is a lie or well it wasn't suppose to be my life. My real name is Princess Emalia of Ikaika. I'm the Lost Princess of Ikaika,"  

A/n: Hi guys and no I'm not dead, I'm still alive! Sorry I haven't been posting this story I've been really really busy with school and being the co-captain of the dance team at the school. Last week we had competition at South Carolina and the week before and during the week we had intense dance practice. Lucky I'm free this weekend to post some stories on this story and my other stories. But another lucky is the following the week is my last and final competition for dance as well as the end of my dance season completely finishing off my high school career. So I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!!! See you guys next time!!!!!  

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