Fifty - six

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a/n: I know its late but I still want to acknowledge that its been a WHOLE YEAR since I have published this story for the world to see! I'm happy that a lot of people are showing love to this story and I hope you guys will continue to show even more love and share this story with your friends! I also if you read Phoenix, Raven's Twin Sister, I wrote another story(a sequel) called Unfinished Business! I hope you guys can check it out and show your love and support for it just like you do for my other stories! But anyways enjoy the story!

Middle of the night: Musa

I woke up to screaming causing me to jolt out of my bed. My face hit the floor with me lightly groaning in pain.

"Musa are you okay? And whose screaming like that?" Tecna wondered getting out her bed.

"It sounds like Emalia, we have to go see if she is alright!" I panicked running out of the room.

The yelling stopped when me and Tecna stepped into the room to see Emalia crowded around Bloom, Stella, and Flora. Emalia face was red as tears came down her freckled cheeks and her eyes was covered by her hands. I was scared since I've never seen Emalia act like this before.

"Em you got to tell us what's the matter with you?" Stella asked Emalia with worry.

"I don't want to talk about guys, I'm alright!" Emalia brushed us off as Kekipi brushed his head into Emalia causing her to uncover her eyes.

"Wipe your tears are too pretty to be crying!" Flora told Emalia with a little smile on her face. "Tecna or Musa can you bring me those box of tissues?"

"Sure I got this!" I replied walking over to the desk piled up with books. "Here you go!"

Flora had gotten a tissue paper out of the tissue box. She handed the tissue paper over to Emalia who was now wiping her face clean from tears

"So Emalia can you please tell us your dream so we can find a way to fix this mess?" Bloom asked putting her hand over Emalia's hand that sent a comforting wave over to Emalia.

"I had a dream that Falen got married to a girl named Yasmin!" Emalia stared blankly at her hands.

"Girl you know Falen will never do anything to hurt you like that! He truly loves you and only you!" Tecna told Emalia who gave her a teary smile

"I know but that dream it felt so real!" Emalia held her fisted hand close to her heart.

"These nightmare dreams are getting out of hand," I announced with anger.

"What can we do to stop these dreams?" Bloom asked with wonder.

"First we need to know who is attacking us and why?" Emalia mumbled under her breath.

"I know who can help us someone who could of saw the attacker slip in our apartment and attack us," Flora introduced this person with an determine look on her face.

"Who Flora?" Stella scrunched her face trying to think like Flora.



Me and the Winx walked over to my desk into my room that holds Pumpkin Mirta. Mirta jumped up when she saw me and the girls.

"Mirta its good to see you!" I rubbed Mirta's stem and leaf hair.

My hands surrounds Mirta and soon a hologram version of Mirta as a human appeared. Mirta smiled at me and the girls.

"I'm glad I can talk you Winx girls!" Mirta sighs with happiness with her hands over her heart.

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