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Me and the Winx made it make to the corridors of Alfea as we tried to think of a way to defeat the Minotaur and save the boys as we can all feel that they are getting their butts kicked out there. Stella went somewhere down the corridors leaving Musa, Sonya, Bloom, Flora, and I standing there trying to come up with ways to help the boys.

"We've gotta do something!" Bloom exclaimed in a worry tone of voice.

"Like what Bloom?" Sonya said in worry.

"Oh no! They're getting pummeled to a pulp!" Flora said as she looked through the crack of the door to see the boys getting beaten badly.

"If only we had our powers! But wait Sonya can't you do that thing with the necklace again?" I said in relief.

"I don't even know how it happened the first time to even try it again," Sonya replied as she look hopeless.

Then Stella came back with some cleaning supplies in her hands and arms. Bloom smiled brightly as she ran up to Stella with excitement.

"Yoo hoo, knock-knock. Housekeeping. Look what I got!" Stella smiled.

"Excellent idea, Stella!" Bloom grinned from ear to ear.

"We can use these as instruments to get the Minotaur's attention!" I said as I grabbed a bucket from Stella.

Me and the girls went over the plan to defeat the Minotaur or at least help the heroes out. The Minotaur was about to finish off the heroes until me and the girl started playing the cleaning supplies like instruments as we was coming out of the corridors.

"Heey, Bull Snot!" Bloom shouted getting the Minotaur's attention.

"Yoo hoo, Toodelloo. He he he!" I said as I was taunting the Minotaur.

"Wanna dance you snotty nose freak!" Stella challenged with a evil grin.

The Minotaur got angry as Bloom gave us the signal as we ran away from the Minotaur. The Minotaur was chasing after us as scheduled of the plan.

"Ready!" Bloom asked as she ran to the other side of the corridors hiding as well as I.

"Serve it up Bloom!" Musa shouted giving Bloom and I the thumbs up.

"Slippery when weeeeeet!" Bloom exclaimed.

Me and the other Winx poured liquid soap causing the Minotaur to slip and slide on the floor. Icy's duck gets caught and the Minotaur falls over the balcony.


"Where'd this thing come from?" Flora questioned referring to the Minotaur.

"The Creature Preserve?" Riven said scaring me and the girls to look behind us to see the other heroes.

"Except that the Creature Preserve doesn't have any Minotaurs," I explained to girls and guys.

"But how did it get here and if it didn't come from the Creature Preserve then who made it?" Sonya asked with her arms crossed.

"Look!" Stella shouted pointing to the opening of where the Minotaur fell from.

We turn around to see a dark purple duck quaking in fear of fall from the tall building. Musa ran over to save the duck as she cradle the duck in her arms like a baby.

"It's a duck!" Musa said in shock.

"We all know who's being stalked by a duck, Icy!" I said as I shook my head.

"That must mean the senior witches are here!" Tecna exclaimed with worry.

"Yeah, they must be after the Ring of Solaria again, but I know just how to trap them!" I smirked as a plan was flooding my brain.

"I think I'm on to your plan girl, guys let's go to Headmistress Faragonda's office!" Sonya grinned.

We all walked to Headmistress Faragonda's office in complete silent as we could hear a pin drop in the corridors if we wanted to. Once we made it to her office we closed the door behind us as I explained the plan some more.

"When they can't find the ring, they're bound to go to Faragonda's office to use the all-seeing crystal ball of Alfea," I said as I put my hands on Headmistress Faragonda's desk.

"If they haven't already!" Flora said in worry.

"Uhh ohh guys I think they coming!" Riven alerted us as voices was coming towards the office.

"What do we do?" Flora said worriedly.

"Everyone hide!" I whispered as we all find a hiding spot in the office.


"Interesting. The Whispherian Crystals are responding wildly. That means the Dragon Fire is in this room. But I don't see a thing, guess we'll just have to trash the place and do a thorough search cause I'm not--," I said to my sisters until I was cut off by a voice I know all too familiar.

"You're not trashing anything!" Bloom said sternly.

"Riven hit the lights!" Sonya said coming out of her hiding spot.

The boy named Riven called out of his hiding as he turned on the lights laughing as I saw we was surrounded from all angles of the office.

"What are you doing here?!" I shouted in anger.

"No this is our school so what are you doing here?" Musa questioned as she crossed her arms as she was giving us the questionable look.

"What are all of you doing here?" Faragonda did as she was behind us all scaring us.

Faragonda took us all to get out of her office as she put some magical cuffs on me and my sisters as we groaned. We would of gotten away with this if we haven't asked those stupid fairies some questions. Faragonda escorted us out of the corridors of the school and outside so every dumb witted fairy can see us.

"Griselda, we must remember to send Director Saladin a Glowing Letter of Gratitude for the help his student heroes gave. It was so good of them to come when the girls told them there was a beast loose on campus!" Faragonda informed her assistant Griselda as she turned to me and my sisters. "As for you three witches to be, you took things too far this evening. I don't know what's going on between you and my girls but it ends tonight, do you hear me?"

Then I heard quaking coming from afar as it was getting closer to me. The duckling is reunited with me and my sisters and all three of us close our eyes in shame.

"I'm transporting you straight to Miss Griffin's office with an official letter of complaint. I trust she will discipline you accordingly. When she has, I'll be sure to send your powers back. Have a nice trip," Faragonda said as she snapped her fingers sending us to Griffin's office.

Cloud Tower

Me and my sisters was sitting in the chairs that Griffin office provided as she looked at us with anger. Griffin continued to stare at the sheet of paper that in her hands as she read it but put it down to look at us again.

"What were you three witches doing at Alfea huh?" Griffin questioned as she had her fingers crossing each other.

"We was planning to scare the fairies until we got side tracked and got caught by the left fairies and faragonda coming into her office!" I replied with my legs and arms crossing each other.

"That's reasonable bit you ladies are going to detention for embarrassing me and having Faragonda sending an letter of complaints to me!" Griffin shouted as she snapped her fingers sending us to our rooms.

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