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Me, Kiko, and Kekipi walked along the side of the bookshelves full of books about the Magix City. Bloom was right behind us as she was scanning the title of the books by their side.

"Trolls, ghosts, leprechauns," Bloom spike to herself.

Me, Kiko, and Kekipi stopped walking when we notice Librarian Barbatea coming out of the corner of the library smiling at the two of us.

"Hello ladies! Still getting the hang of the Dewey Magical System?" Librarian Barbatea asked as she still smiled at me and Bloom.

"Yeah, we need info about two of the nymphs on the front of town hall. Where do we look?" I asked with a huge smile on my face with Kiko and Kekipi now resting on my shoulders.

"Why are you asking me when the library catalogue's over there?"

"Oh we forgot!" Bloom smiled embarrassedly as she grabbed my arm as she dragged me away from Librarian Barbatea.

Bloom lead the way to the catalogue that was laying in the podium of the library. Bloom and I walked up the mini stairs to the catalogue book.

"Keyword?" The catalogue spoke.

"Town hall!" Bloom said as she used her magic to active the catalogue.

The books was flying out of the book shelves as it was flying around the both of us in a steady pace. The books landed in our hands as we had our arms open so we could read the book.

"Wow, that's so cool! Magix Monthly!" Bloom smiled at me.

"This month's events at Town Hall: sorcerer soccer. Wrong book. Not that goblin goalies don't sound interesting," I said as I closed the book and it flew back to its proper place in the bookshelf. "Bloom these information is useful if we was looking up what we was reading in the book.

"Okay let me change the keyword. Keyword: town hall facade!"

I waved my hand activating the power of the catalogue as two books flew in our hands and we was skimming through the pages to find a name for these ladies in our dreams.

"Hey, this is the book about the Great Dragon. "The facade of Magix's Town Hall features nymph, Daphne. Daphne! That's her!" Bloom said excitedly.

"This book talks about the the Mystic Dragon and it names a nymph name Kala! She looks like the one I've seen in the store, in the street, and in my dreams!" I smiled.


I'm glad that Emalia found about me and a little bit of her powers as well as Bloom. Once Emalia and Bloom said mine and Daphne's name all the books in the library started to swarming around Emalia and Bloom. I panicked as I see Emalia and Kekipi looked scared as they duck dodge the rampaging and out of control books.

"Ahh! Stop it!" Bloom said as she screamed.

"Somebody help!" Emalia yelled as Kekipi roared a little roar.

"I'm going to action in my own hands!" I said as I was about to use my magic to stop it all but I was stopped by Daphne.

"Don't use your magic we need to save it especially yours since you've been using it too much," Daphne said as she pointed to Librarian Barbatea coming to save our sisters.

"Fine only because I see Librarian Barbatea coming to the rescue!" I said as I put my hand down.

"Yea sure Kala!"

Librarian Barbatea noticed our sisters stuck in the mess of the flying books. Librarian Barbatea was speechless when she saw the girls.

"When we was getting the hang of the system!" Emalia yelled as she was still dodging the books.

"HEADMISTRESS FARAGONDA!" Librarian Barbatea yelled as she ran to get Headmistress Faragonda to come fix the situation.

"Now can I fix this mess?" I asked Daphne as she gave me a stern motherly look on her face.

"No let our sisters figure it out, let's see how developed their powers are!" Daphne said as she was now back to looking at the situation.


"Stop it! Eugh, I need a spell!" Bloom yelled in worry tone of voice.

"I got the perfect spell! Book-us stop-us now-us, pretty-please-us!" Emalia said as she covered her head from the flying books.

The books increase in speed until they resemble a cyclone as Bloom and Emalia screamed even louder.

"MAYBE I SHOULDN'T SAY A SPELL!" Emalia yelled so Bloom could hear as she was hiding under the podium

"LIBRARIAN BARBATEA IS COMING WITH HEADMISTRESS FARAGONDA!" Bloom said as she hid under the podium with Emalia, Kekipi, and Kiko.

"Restotuo-ordo!" Headmistress Faragonda shouted as all books fell to the ground piling against each other.

Headmistress Faragonda

The girls slowly got out of their hiding spot under the podium. Sonya and Bloom looked relief as well as Kekipi and Kiko.

"Something very powerful seems to be disturbing the order in here," I said in a worried tone of voice.

"We're so sorry!" Sonya and Bloom hugged me as I hugged the girls back.

"Oh! It's okay, it's not you guys fault!"

"They could of have possibly asked for these books, they're some of our most obscure titles," Barbatea said as she was picking up one of the book that was piled on the floor.

"No, they didn't. The books chose them. Go back to your rooms, dear, and please don't mention this to anyone and see you assembly!" I said informing the girls on what to do.

Bloom and Sonya nod their heads as they quickly walked out of the library in fear. I walked the girls leave the library as I turn my head to lock eyes with Barbatea. As I was about to turn to leave the library I noticed a book that really caught my attention and not in a good way. I picked up the book from within the pile as I examine the cover of the foreign book.

"'The last witch coven!?' Miss Barbatea?" I said in total shock.

"Uh, Yes!" Barbatea as she looked at the forbidden book cover as it was in her hands.

"This book isn't apart of our collection!"

"It's not Headmistress!"

"Close the library down!"

Barbatea dropped the book in her hands to the floor in total shock as she couldn't really move or speech.

"But-" Barbatea said as she was cut off by me talking.

"There are dark forces at work here!" Said with my back turned as I heard Barbatea' heels clicking away from me as she was following my orders.

As she was going that I started to feel like Bloom and Sonya may have a little bit to do with the books spiraling out of control. But I wondered how did that happen since it never happened to any of my students since....... the time of Daphne and Kala's school year. I looked at one of the opened books on the ground. This book page was open when it talks about Daphne and Kala and that's when I put the two to two together. Those girls was looking up Daphne and Kala the nymphs but I wondered why?

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