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"Now, if you girls don't mind... I'm taking my ring back! And while I'm at it... I'm gonna teach you little pixies a lesson!!" Evil Stella said with a evil smirk flying upwards.

"How can she fly without her wings?" Musa questioned with wonder.

"Because that's not our Stella, that is a evil clone of Stella!" I said angrily.

"Stella your energy is very negative right now!" Flora said with fear in her voice.

"LOOK OUT!" Bloom shouted as Stella started shooting our stream of magical energy at us.

Me, Musa, and Tecna was hiding behind a fallen table while Musa and Bloom was on the other side of the room hiding behind a pillar. Stella was attacking the pillar that hid Bloom and Flora.

"Bloom, Flora power up!" Tecna shouted from next to me.

"They can't, they are pinned down too low!" Musa shouted in worry.

"Tecna lets transform!" I told Tecna as she nod her head at me.

Me and Tecna stand up to transformed as Stella continues to attack.

"FIRE WALL SHIELD!" Tecna shouted as a long green shield formed from Tecna's arm as she ran to get Bloom and Flora.

"LUNAR SHIELD!" I shouted following behind Tecna.

Stella was hitting her magical energy at me and Tecna as we was running to get our friends. Tecna got Flora and I got Bloom as she ran back to the other side still dodging Stella's attack. The pillar on the other side was completely destroyed and I was glad Tecna and I got Bloom and Flora before they ended up like that pillar.


I was attacking those stupid pixies fairies in the form of Stella. A evil grin appeared on my lips. But the pixies fairies was hiding behind the fallen table.

"It's over pixies!" I said in the tone of Stella, I cracked.

"Are you Icy or Darcy?" Bloom questioned strongly as she stands up from behind the fallen table.

"And the slowest horse crosses the finish line! Hah-hah-hah-hah!! Congratulations!" I transformed to my original self still with that evil grin on my face.

"I knew it was the Trix all along!" Sonya got up next to Bloom.

"For figuring out it was me and my sisters who was up to this all this time, here's your prize!"

Stormy and Icy appeared next to me with the same evil grin as me.

"Girls let's transform!" Bloom ordered with anger evident on her face.

"Hmph!" The Winx said together with an smirk on their faces.

"Wait, wait! Change me back too! Please, change me back!" Knut pleaded.

"Certainly Knut!" I said snapping my finger turning Knut back to his smelly and ogre self.

"What have you witches did to our friend Stella?" Bloom said with venom of anger spilling out her mouth.

"Yea if you hurt Stella so help me, I would destroy you by myself!" Sonya pointed her finger with anger on her facial expression.

"It's so cute to think you could destroy the Trix but she's right here!" Icy replied waving her hand showing Stella in those tight rings.

"NO!" Flora shouted in fear.

"Sorry girls! The witches tricked me!" Stella said as her friends looked at her with horrified expression.

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