Don't Let me Go

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           Catalina's POV
     Saying those words feels like bricks have been lifted off my chest. Even though he isn't the one I should be telling, I had to tell someone. He doesn't give me the disgusted, disappointed look I was expecting.
   "Wh-what?" He stutters. I blink rapidly, trying to get the tears away from my eyes as I look down at the floor. "What do you mean you might be pregnant. You have to have sex in order for that to happen," he says, looking around the room as if it holds the answers.
    "Well, I'm not a virgin," I mumble just barely above a whisper. He bites down on his lip. "It wasn't by choice; me loosing it I mean." He grabs my wrists and leads me to the couch and sits me down.
   "And what dies that mean exactly? Does this have to do with why you and that guy ended things?" He asks. I nod.
   "It has everything to do with that," I answer. He takes my hands surprising me. "We were in a good relationship for the most part, one night be thought we were in a certain area of our relationship when we weren't. I tried telling that I wasn't ready for that, but I thought he just couldn't hear over the music his parents were playing in the backyard. Eventually I realized that wasn't that at all, I was yelling for him to stop, but he didn't. He raped me, I shrugged, so he dragged me yo so I would pass out. I don't remember​ much, but I do know for a fact that I didn't say yes to what he did."
    "How long ago was this?" He asks me. I think back a few months. He squeezes my hand. "You don't have to say anything else if you don't want to." I give him a thankful smile before answering.
    "Four months ago, but he always finds his way back and does it again. The last time was a week ago, at that that lunch thing. And now I'm throwing up in the mornings, I'm always tired. I'm terrified that I might be pregnant with his baby."
    Draven lifts my hand to his lips and kisses the top, keeping his eyes locked with mine. "Even if you are there are options that will be completely up to you." I force a smile. "Did you try to tell anyone about this? Your parents?" I nod.
   "But no one believed me, not even them. They couldn't find it possible that a sweet Christian boy, that they've known for years, would rape someone." Tears escape my eyes. He wipes them away and looks down at my lips. I bite down on my bottom one out of nervousness. He leans in while I lean back; he stops what he's doing when he notices that.
   "I'm sorry, that was- I'm sorry," he says, struggling to speak. His cheeks flush red as he runs his hands through his short black hair. "Will you do me a favor?" He asks. I nod in answer. "Take a test and think through the options if its positive. Don't tell anyone; they'll try and tell you what to do. And think clearly about James. Ever think that something better and more exciting is closer than he is?"
    I search his eyes and try to keep from crying more. He pulls me closer as I just let it go. His arms wrap around me; I bury my face in his chest and cry. I'm supposed to stay away from him but I just can't. Something about him attracts me closer. This is wrong, but what if it's also right?

AN: She mights be preggers! Comment what side of him you want to see next!!!! Share!! Stay alive |-/       -Veah

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