I'm Just Stupid

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           Catalina's POV
     I swing back and forth slowly on the swing next go James and Nicky. None of us are talking much, James and I keep stealing glances, and Nicky seems awkward. "So I have some news," she says, speaking up. "I'm pregnant," she blurts out. My eyes widen and James looks at her with a blank expression.
    "Who? When? How? What? Where?" I stumble, looking to the right word. Her eyes look at me, and look guilty.
    "When, a month ago. How, sex. What, pregnant. Where, a bed. Who, Ray," she says, answering all the questions. My stomach drops as that names leaves her mouth. "Him and I started dating a few months ago."
    "So, you were the one he was cheating with?" I ask. She nods, her eyes looking anywhere but at me. "Did he convince that what I said was a lie?" She stands up from the swing and gets in front of me.
    "He didn't do what you said he did. If you had told him to stop, he would have!" She nearly yells at me. I sarcastically smile at her in disbelief.
    "I did, I also yelled and screamed for help. He drugged me. I've told you this time and time again, and this is why you didn't believe me. He isn't a good person. He deserves to be in prison or so much worse," I say. She looks at James.
    "I'd be careful if I were you, James. Who knows, maybe she'll say that you raped her too after you bang her," she tells him. My eyes water. He doesn't say anything, just looks down at the sand. "He can't even say that I'm wrong."
    "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't say anything,"  James says as we enter my room. I shrug, not caring to have this conversation with him. "But I can't help but wonder of he really didn't ra-"
    "Are you being serious right now? I wouldn't lie about that; I have no reason to. I can't believe you would even think that," I say. He sits down next to me on my bed, his hand on my knee.
    "I'm sorry, I'm just so confused with everything. Nicky, who we've known for years is with him and pregnant. You were with him and he was obvious horrible to you. Do you think he has changed?" He says. I scuff, shaking my head.
    "No way he has, it hasn't been that long. I can't believe she would do that," I say. He places a piece of hair behind my ear, grinning at me.
    "Let's just ignore what happened," he says as he kisses the corner of my mouth. Him kissing me draws me back to Draven and how he had kissed me against the wall. There had been a hungry need in it that I wasn't expecting out if us.
    I turn my head so our lips meet. His move slowly against mine the reaches up an hand and cups the side of my face to deepen it. I wrap an arm around his neck to draw him closer to me. Soon we're slowly leaning back onto the bed with him above me.
     My fingers tangle in his dark hair. His hands rest on my waist gently, not daring to move them anywhere. He grabs my mega and throws it over his. Our tongues move against each others. Removing a hand from his hair, I rest it at the small of his back, accidentally lifting his shirt a little so I can feel his hot skin under my hand.
    My mind seems to keep going back to how great Draven made me feel earlier when he has kissed me. I know I can have that with James...hopefully. I pull away to breath. "Hold on. Can we stop for a little bit?" I ask. He sits up and pulls the back of his shirt down. "I didn't say I was done with you." He smiles as I frag him back down. I move so I'm straddling him.
    Leaning down at kiss him deeply, needing to feel the same passion I felt with Draven with James. His hands stay at my waist against, keeping them at a safe spot. 
   The door to my room opens and Tori comes in with Draven behind her. What the hell do they need? I get off of James and fix my hair, my face hot.
    "Hot damn, I wasn't expecting that," Tori says, clapping her hands together as she laughs. "And James, girls like it when you touch their ass." His cheek flare up.
    "I was taught that that was disrespectful," he says. Draven chuckles and smacks Tori's ass, making her laugh.
    "See, we like it," she giggles. I roll my eyes at them as I stand. "You look pale." I open my mouth to say something, but think against it. Draven's eyes travel down my body with a smirk. I shift on my feet uncomfortably.
    "I'm fine," I lie. Tori turns and walks out of the room with Draven following close behind. Jane's stands and looks awkwardly at me.
   "I don't mean to be the overreacting boyfriend type, but I don't really like the look he was giving you," he says. Draven had looked at me like I was a full course meal.
    "I didn't notice anything and you have nothing to worry about. Plus, wouldn't that be kind of illegal if I got with him?" Draven Twenty two, I just turned seventeen; I always forget about that.
     "True," he says and kisses my forehead. Gosh I'm so stupid for still thinking about Draven while my boyfriend is standing in front of me. "Do girls really like that?" I shake my head.
    "I find it disrespectful," I answer. When I get into the kitchen Tori is starting to cook but looks to have no idea what she's doing.
    "What are you planing to do with this?" Draven asks her. She glares up at him. His eyes find me and a grin makes its way to his face. "I'll make something that won't kill us. Um, can you help me with something outside Catalina?" He asks. My stomach foes a backflip.
    "Sure," I answer and follow him​ out. As soon as the door closes he gives a disappointed look. "W-what?" I stutter.
    "You didn't look excited when you were with him," he says. I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you starting to realize that I'm right?"
    "No," I answer. He steps too close for comfort.
    "Look at me," he says, his voice just above a whisper. His hand is placed on my lower waist. "You know your starting to have feelings for me. Just admit to yourself. You want me to kiss you again, hold you again like I was earlier."
     I push him away from me. "I like James." He fiddles with the ring in his finger.
     "Who are you trying to convince?" I stay quiet. I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he might be right. "Your coming with me tonight."
     "No. You have no choice."

AN: What's a side of him you guys want to see in the next chapter? And what do you think he's gonna do?? Comment and share! Stay alive |-/      -Veah

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