More Fucked Up Then Before

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           Draven's POV
    Her hair is shorter and longer. She's wearing makeup, buy not so much that you can't see her natural beauty. The light blue dress she's wearing makes the blue in her eyes pop.
    "Hey," I say, trying to act good. She forces a smile. I step forward and hug her awkwardly. She steps back and looks up at me. My eyes go down to her hand to see she's still wearing the ring. That makes me happy.
   "Hi," she says and steps back next to the tall guy behind her. He looks nerdy, but, you can tell he's not. I offer my hand to be polite.
    "Draven Century," I say. He shakes my hand with a surprisingly firm grip.
    "Noah Reynolds," he says. "Cata's boyfriend." I look at her and sigh. She looks to her dad with nervous eyes. He claps his hands together.
   "Let's go to the backyard and eat," he says. Cata and her boyfriend walk ahead of us. Mr.Rose grips my arm and stops me. "I know this hurts you, but you gotta let her be happy, Draven."
    "I know." Him and I still aren't good. I got hooked on drugs for a good six months and when he got back from California, it wasn't hard for him to tell I was an addict. He always gives me dirty looks or calls me druggy even though I'm clean again. "She still has the ring on."
   "You don't have a chance. Keep away," he says.
      Everyone laughs about something as we sit around the fire. I look at my arm and see the small scars from injecting myself with heroine. I had gotten sucked up and now I'm back to my old self. I focus on working out, family, and finding Tig. We've come close to finding him, but never get close enough.
     Cata stands and looks at me as she goes. "Can you help me with something?" She asks me. I stand and follow her into the kitchen. She sets the plates in the counter. "How've you been?" She asks.
   I shrug, not wanting to tell her the truth. "What about you?" She starts the water and begins cleaning the dishes.
    "Better. Um, school is great, stressful, but overall amazing. I have an apartment with my friend, Kelly. And you know about Noah," she says, hesitating at the last part.
   "He seems good for you," I mumble, but in a way she can hear. She smiles gratefully at me. Damn I miss that smile. You would think that after a year I would have moved on, but no. She was then only one who seen me for me and didn't judge, that's something hard to let go of.
   "Thank you. He really is amazing," she says. Her eyes she ours the dishes on the counter and starts wiping the water off. She stops and looks at the ring. Slowly, she takes it off and holds it out to me. "I don't think it's right for me to be wearing that when I'm with someone else," she says. I put it in my pocket, nodding. "I never stopped thinking about you."
    My jaw clenches. "And that's why you didn't take it off?" She smiles.
   "I was going to move back after college and stay. I was gonna come back for you," she says. "But I met Noah and everything kind of changed." I clear my throat.
    "Do you love him?" I ask. She nods. "Okay then." The kitchen door opens and Noah comes in. He smiles at Cata and walks over. She leans up and kisses him quickly. "I-I should get going. Um, it was nice meeting you, Noah. And great seeing you again, Catalina."
               Cata's POV
    I can't sleep. My mind is on how it felt to talk to Draven again. The conversation had been awkward, but easy. His eyes shined against the fire my dad made in the backyard.
     "What's wrong?" Noah asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You seem far away." I look up at him with a smile.
    "Its nothing. Its just being home, it makes me realize how much I love and miss it," I lie. He kisses me and lay's back down. I rub my index finger along his face, tracing his nose and lips. The memory of doing this to Draven after we would make love or when he'd be asleep comes back.
    Deep down I know miss him. I know I miss the danger he brought. But I need a safe, content relationship. And he can't bring that.

AN: They talked. Draven was on drugs. COMMENT A SIDE OF HIM OR HER YOU WANT TO SEE!! share! Thank you for 2.43k readsStay alive |-/     -Veah

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