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               Cata's POV
I get out of the car a great deal away from where I can see the house. The sound of gunshots is the only thing I can hear. Growing closer, I stay hidden behind the tall wheat, thankful for being so short. I get to the back of the house, hopping for find a door.
     Inside I find a window. Taking out the gun I took from home, I break the window with it and and climb inside. I open the door and walk down the empty hall. Its too quiet. Eventually, I hear faint voices.
    "So you've final found me after all this time? Good job," a deep, unfamiliar voice says. I step out, gun held out. When I see its just Draven in here with who I think is Tig and some women, I lower my weapon.
    They all look towards me. "He didn't kill your father, Draven," I say. His expression goes blank.
"What are you talking about? Why are you here?" He asks, breathing fast.
   "I had one last letter to read. He didn't kill him. I knew that if you found that out after killing him, you would feel guilty," I say.
His jaw clenches as he drops the gun. I release a deep breath. The women looks at me with tear filled eyes. "Catalina," she says in shock. She tries taking a step towards me, but I sprint for Draven. Now the women looks sad. The man, Tig, my dad, looks at me as if he's seen a ghost.
   "Princess," he says. I glare.
"This isn't a family reunion. Who killed his father?" I ask.
   "I don't know. I've been trying to find that out. You guts think I've been running from you, I could care less." Draven shakes his head.
   "I was there. I seen you kill him!" I squeeze my eyes shut.
   "I know what you saw, but that was a set up. After that, we just disappeared. I'm tired if running because of something I didn't do. Raven and I were friends, family. The business changed him. I couldn't kill him no matter how much I might have wanted to."
  The women places her hand on his shoulder. Draven looks down at me. "Your stupid for coming here, you know that right?" I nod. "Thank you."
   "What do we do now? Stop looking? Team up?"
   "Right now I could careless about that man," he says. I've only ever heard him talk highly of his father, so I'm shocked. "Cata, that's Linda, your mother. Tig, your father." I look at them but stay in place behind my husband.
   "Your so beautiful," my mom says. "I think about you all the time." I look at my dad. He's holding back tears.
  "You read it all?" I nod. "I'm surprised. You seem wouldn't of cared." Draven turns towards me.
    "I'm gonna go tell them what happened. Stay here, even if you hear gunshots," he tells me. He looks back at Tig and Linda; I can't even call them mom and dad. "You'll protect her for a few minutes?" Draven leaves, making me more than before.
    "You look so much like Linda when she was your age," my 'dad' says. I look down at my wedding ring.
   "I'll take that as a compliment." Linda walks over and hesitantly takes my hands in hers. Our eyes meet. We have the same eyes. A small smile makes its way to my face at the sight. "I've always wondered where I got my eye color from."
    "My parents, your grandparent, had green and blue eyes," she tells me. Tig walks over.
    "I'm sorry this happened this way. You weren't even supposed to show go up. I had a plan that when this is all over we would poo into your life as your aunt and uncle," he tells me. I step back from them. "What's the relationship with Century and you? Friends?"
     I look down, biting on the inside of my cheek. Holding up my left hand, his eyes widen. "He's my husband. For the record, we got together way before all of this." He looks at Linda. She looks sympathetic.
    "Can I talk to you alone?" She asks. I nod. He gives me a now forced grin and goes outside. "You can't live this life." I sigh, I don't need one more person telling me that.
    "You shouldn't be talking. You've been on the run with your hit man for years." She visibly swallows.
     "But the difference is that I grew up in this business. I'm used to the men in it, and what it makes them. We took you out of all this, for more than just one reason; we didn't want you getting involved in anyway. As much as I am in love with your father, I would change who he is. I don't want you to see what I'm talking about."
     The door opens and Draven cokes back in with Cody and Mark beside him. "I'll let you know if it ever happens."
        I close the door behind Draven and I when we get home. Sitting down on the stool, I look at him, waiting for him to say something. He's said nothing the whole ride here.
   "I'm tired," I mumble. His hard eyes rest in me.
    "Well you shouldn't of come," he snaps. "You should have just let me kill him. Let me believe that this is all over. Now I have to find where my dad is."
   I stand, wincing. My eyes water. "You said that after you found Tig, this would be over. You would have someone else take your place."
    He shakes his head. "That was when I thought he had killed my dad, now I know he's still out there." I have to sit down again due to pain.
   "Think about it, Raven. If he loved you the way you do him, he wouldn't of faked his death; no matter how hard it got. He wouldn't of forced you into this at a young age. To him, your a weapon."
    He presses his lips together. "You're not one to talk about good parenting," he says. My brows draw together. "What kind of mom doesn't even know she was pregnant. You had to jump through the window to get inside the house, knowing damn well you could as fast as a snap of a finger, lose our baby, you still did it. You don't care if you lose it."
        I fight back tears. "If you had went in there, and didn't know, you would killed someone innocent of a crime he didn't commit, or had be shot and died."
    "That doesn't matter. As a mom, you should know that the baby comes first." He walks into the bedroom, his firsts clenched. I place my hand on my stomach, closing my eyes.
    "You know I love you." Standing, I quietly go into the room and get dressed for bed. Draven's already in bed, facing my side. Even when we do fight, we still hold each other when we sleep. Getting into bed, I look at him, although, he's not looking at me.
    Taking a chance, I move closer to him and place my hand on his chest. He turn so his back is to be and my hand drops to the bed.

AN: comment what you think!! Share! Stay alive |-/                        -Veah

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