Make Things Right

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             Draven's POV     The pounding in my head is getting worse

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             Draven's POV
     The pounding in my head is getting worse. Mark and Cody won't stop arguing about what we should do with the bastards shit. "He sent us knives. We could send these in to the police and have them be-"
    "That would like turning ourselves in," Cody tells Mark. "How would we answer there questions?"
    "I know a crooked cop and some people on the inside. Maybe if I can get ahold of him, he can ring it in and have then trace it," I say, finally speaking up. Over the past week, I haven't said much to them; instead I've been trying to do all of it on my own. "There's no discussion about it. That's what we're doing."
     Mark and Cody shrug and sit down. Mark's phone, goes off. "Yes?" He answer. His knees bounce as he listens to the person on the phone. "Tell her I'll be home in time. I wouldn't miss her birthday. I love you." He hangs up and stands. "I have to go. Luna is having a near panic attack I won't be home for her birthday."
    "I'll drive you," I say. "Cody, can you leave a message for me on this number saying to call me?" He takes the piece of paper from me and nods.
   Mark and I get in the truck and start driving. "So, was what Kieran said true?" He asks me after awhile. "About Catalina being his sister? Meaning that Tig is her father?"
    I bite down on my lip hard, stopping when j taste blood. "Yeah, it was the truth," I tell him, not taking my eyes off the road.
    "Do you think she would know anything about him? Or maybe her parents, they could still be in conta-"
    "She didn't even know she was adopted until I told her, I highly doubt she'll know anything."
    "Its still wor-"
    "I don't thinks she's open to helping us right now." His head snaps in my direction as we come to a stop in front of his home.
    "What happened? Does it have to do with all of this?" I nod, scratching my temple.
    "I kept leaving ditching her on things, letting her down to get shit done around here. She said we're on a break, but I don't know what the hell that means." He shakes his head.
    "I told you not to lose yourself in all of this. Guys like us, need someone to keep us grounded," he tells me. "Catalina was that person for you. She's stuck with you through so much shit due to this whole thing. The least you could have done was pay some attention to her," he says, his voice raising.
           Catalina's POV
     "I don't know, she just seems very off lately," James tells me as he sets his coffee down on the table. "Maybe it was the mention of kids at my parents place, but that was a few weeks ago. She should be-"
   "You have to understand her situation with all of that though. She was pregnant at a time and miscarried. She's scared," I tell him. He rubs his eyes and winces.
    "I know I have to take things slow with her in that area, but she won't even mutter the word baby or child. What chance of a future do we have together if she doesn't-"
    "We both know Nicky has always been complicated, we have to accept them, you more than me now." He sighs and leans back against the chair.
     "How are you and Noah?" He asks me. We haven't talked much over the years so it makes sense for him to think that I'm still with Noah.
    "No actually," I say. "I'm with-" his eyes widen as he sees someone walk in. Turning around, I see Cody and Draven. I tense when I see him.
     "He's still out of prison. Interesting." Cody gives me a smile as he passes whereas Draven doesn't notice me. "Are you two-"
    "Cata," his voice says from behind me. I turn around and give him a small smile. We haven't seen each other but we have talked. My love for him is still completely there, but the trust I had is now damaged.
    "Care to join us?" James asks, obviously just trying to be polite. Cody nudges Draven hard in the rib that I know has some...problems. Panic rushes through me as he grips his side and pulls out a seat. Cody looks like he wants to burst out laughing.
     "Hey," Draven says, eyeing James suspiciously. I take his hand and squeeze it, needing to touch him in some way.
    "So are you two still seeing each other?" James and Cody ask at the same time. I'm surprised that Cody doesn't know.
    Draven opens his mouth to say something but I go before him. "Yeah," I say, side eyeing him. His body relaxes into the seat. His phone goes off and he takes it out. Our eyes meet for a second. Immediately I'm disappointed cause he answers it when this is the first time we've been out together in awhile.
     "Hello?" He asks, his voice extremely deep. James gives me an off look. Maybe my emotions were showing. "Um listen, now isn't a good time. We should meet up at-" he looks at me. "What time is your meeting on Tuesday?"
    "Three to five."
    "We should meet up on Tuesday at three," he says. The rest of what he says are mumbles and he hangs up. I give him a smile before returning my attention to James.
     Draven closes the door behind us and I drop down on the couch, looking up at him. His black t-shirt hugs the bulging muscles in his arms and makes it look like he's puffing his chest out when he's not.
    He sits down next to me and rests his hand on my knee. I study the art on his hand, a skull that has roses fading into his other tattoos. "Thank you for doing that," I say shyly.
    "Making it so that it was a day and time I would he put and you wouldn't have to bale on me again." He looks down at his lap.
    "What I was doing was abusive in a way and I'm truly sorry for that. I want a future with you, a life with kids or a dog or two. If I keep leaving you, you're gonna leave for good."
     "I love you," I tell him. He leans over his hand moving to the opposite side of my body so I'm trapped against him. His eyes shine with lust when he pulls back and looks at me.
    "I love you." He throws his leg over mind and gets above me, pulling my kegs up on the couch. My hands go under his shirt, his skin hit under my touch. His body molds perfectly with mine as he grinds against me.
    His hand wraps around my neck gently. He's only.dome.this a few tines and it drives me crazy. Teasingly, he removes his lips from mine slowly and moves to the sensitive area below my ear.
    "Stop," I sigh, biting down on my bottom lip. He looks down at me, his chest rising and falling heavily. "I'm scared that if we have sex, I'll end up falling asleep or having to fake it cause I'm so tired. If you want, I can give you-"
    "No, I'm fine," he tells me. I can feel that he's not. He push him so he's sitting up and undo his jeans.
   He takes a deep breath as I take him in my mouth, looking into his eyes as I do so. He takes a handful of my hair, forcing my head down. Even after all this time, I haven't been able to take him all the way without gagging.
    "Fuck, Cata," he groans. Reaching a hand down, I touch myself, still looking at him. His eyes are locked in my hand. I throw my head back, faking a moan. I don't know how to do this and it be genuine. His hops buck as he comes to his climax. I remove my hand and wipe my mouth.
    "Can I sleep now?" Wide eyed, he nods.

AN: I don't know about this chapter what what ever. James is back but you guys don't have to worry about him this time... Or do you? Comment a side of him or her you any to see and what you think will happen! Share! Stay alive |-/      -Veah
    PS. The first chapter of my new story Danger and Tattoos is now up. Please check it out!!


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