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            Catalina's POV   "This book is actually amazing and I should read more, but I'm too lazy for that," James says

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            Catalina's POV
   "This book is actually amazing and I should read more, but I'm too lazy for that," James says. I sit up fr having my head in his chest and squint my eyes at him. "Put your glasses on. Don't make me feel alone in this struggle," he tells me as he hands me my glasses I hardly wear. He has glasses to but we both choose to wear contacts instead.
   I take them from him and put them on, giving him a sarcastic smile. "I don't get how my parents could just leave," I say, laying back down. We're in the couch, so we're pressed against each other, his arm around my shoulder, my head on his chest. "I don't even trust myself to be home alone; that's why I called you."
   "Glad to know I'm useful for something. Isn't Tori coming with Draven?" He says. I nod and close my eyes, draping my arm over his stomach.
    "Yeah," I say with a sigh. He looks into my eyes with his lips pressed in a fine line.
   "Are you getting back with him or are you completely done with that?" He asks. I sit up and fix my hair.
   "I don't know. I'm still in love with him," I say. He sits up too and crosses his arms as he relaxes. "I shouldn't love him the way I do."
    "Why not?" He asks. I bite on my lip, knowing I can't tell the truth. "I just wish you went for someone safer." I turn the ring on my finger as my knees bounce up and down.
    He sits up and looks closely at me. "Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to him, because he's not safe. He's like a bad part of a book, but you keep reading." James takes my hand slowly, almost hesitantly.
   "Just for a minute, can we-we drop the subject of him?" I'm confused but that goes away when he kisses me. At one time this would have been the best thing ever, but it just feels wrong. So wrong. That crush I had in him is completely gone.
    He cups the side of my face gently as he kisses me. The door opens and I force myself back. Tori looks proud, while Draven looks hurt. His jaw clenches as he turns to go back outside.
     I shoot up and run out after him, making sure the door closes behind me. "Raven, wait!" I yell after him. He stops and looks down at me.
    "I'm sorry if I'm acting immature, but I couldn't-"
    "That didn't mean anything to mean, Draven. Nothing. He kissed me. I pulled back!" His eyes look anywhere but at me.
    "You pulled back when the door opened. What if we hadn't come in?" He says. His fists clench at his sides. Its seems that their always blood stained now. "I love you, but I have to let go if your gonna be with him, baby girl."
    "I don't want him, I want you," I say. His eyes snap to mine. "Please." He takes my.hand and kisses it, stepping closer to me. I lean up and kiss him, replacing James's kiss with his. As of by instinct, his hands fall to my waist and he kisses back with the right amount of aggressiveness.
    My small hands grip his shirt as he picks me up and presses me against a tree. Our lips make contact once again as my legs wrap around his waist. "I love you so much," he says in between kisses.
   "I love you." My eyes water as he kisses hard. "Can you put me down for a second?" I ask. He does as asked. I run the back of my head and take out a piece of bark.
   "Sorry," he says. I lean up and wrap my arms around his neck.
    "I'm yours."
      Walking into his apartment, I hear the sound of throwing up. I make my way to the bathroom and crack open the door. "Are you okay?" I ask when I push it open the rest of the way. He must have forgot he told me to come over cause he looks surprised by me being here.
   "Yeah, I'm good," he says. He's about to stand, but gets sick again. Kneeling down beside him, I rub his back soothingly. He let's out a groan as he gets up and brushes his teeth. "Sorry," he says. We make our way to the bed and I help him in.
    Going to the other side, I lay down beside him on my side so I'm facing him. "Do you medicine? Water?" I ask. He moves the blankets from himself and moves to get up. "Are you getting sick again?" He shakes his head.
    "No, I'm gonna go get water," he says, his voice scratchy. I make him lay back down and get up.
   "I'll go get it for you. Stay in bed," I tell him. He just not like having to have people do things for him, but I like feeling needed and helpful. Just as I get to the kitchen the front door opens and two men walk in. They stop when they see me and wave awkwardly. "Um, who-"
    "I'm Mark, and this is dumbass Cody," one of the tall muscular men say.
    "I'm still waiting for the way when you stop introducing me to people as that." I walk fast into the room. Draven looks at me with weak eyes.
   "There's two guys here, their names are Cody and Mark-" he groans as stands, wincing as he does. He goes out to the living room with me behind him.
   "You look like shit," the guy with the thick stubbled face says. I think he looks cute.
    "We're sorry to interrupt whatever was happening, but we need to talk to you about some things," he says. Oh, now I get who they must be. Draven mentioned he was now first in command of his father's Gang? Whatever.
   "You can tell me now," Draven says, keeping his head down.
   "They have some loyal ass people. Kieran won't rat our anything. We've tried all the methods we know and nothing has gotten any information out of him. What should we do with him?"
    "We can't let him go, he'll run to tell daddy," Cody says. Am I still supposed to be in here. Oh, the water. Draven looks at me with pained expression.
    "And we can't kill him," he says. "He's valuable, leverage. We haven't made it obvious we have him yet, let it be known and they won't let him die. If that's his son, he'll send a search party. Let them come for him."
     I have him the after after we get back in bed. "I'm sorry about that," he says. I force a smile. "Did you know you had a brother?" My eyes widened.
    "I didn't even know I was adopted until a few weeks ago, and I still haven't confronted my parents. So, there's no way I could've known I have a brother," I say. He nods.
    "He's very loyal to your father I'll tell you that about him. He works with him with...things," he tells me. I look down. "Can we please sleep?" He asks me. I smile and rest my head on my pillow.
    "Of course."

AN: uneventful? I don't know. I have plans and a side of him imma bring out soon that was requested. Please comment your thoughts! Thank you for 1.89k reads❤❤ share! Stay alive |-/ -Veah
    PS. I made a twenty one pilots one shot story thing, please check that out. ❤🎶

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