Blood Spilled

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               Cata's POV
    I run my fingers through my hair as I flush the toilet and sit against the wall. Throwing up everything I ate last night has made me hungry, but I can't get up to go eat something.
    The bathroom door opens and Tori walks in. How does she always get in? We didn't give her a key. My dad stands behind her. "Where Draven?" She asks.
   "He's in the room," I force out. She turns to go get him. My dad walks in and kneels beside me. I crack a smile. 
   "You can't go to church if you're si-"
    "I'm going. I feel better now; it was just something I ate last night," I say as I pull myself up. "If anything, going to church would help." Tori appears in the door way again, but this time with Draven. He walks in and goes to my side opposite of my dad. It's weird having them around each other now that I know why my dad doesn't like him. 
    "You okay, love?" He ask, kissing the top of my head. I nod.
    "I just need to get ready to go." He nods and leads everyone out of the restroom. I grab my dads arm before he can get too far. "Please try to get passed what you think of him and see him for who he is."
    "Fine, but you have to pray for me to be nice."
          Draven groans as we sit down. Eyes dance over him with judging looks. He keeps it low key about the business, but certain people know certain things. "I feel like a criminal," he says, glancing over at me.
    "You are one," I say with a chuckle. He rolls his eyes and listens as my dad begins the service.
            Draven's POV
     "You-you went to actual church?" Cody asks me as I fill the guns with bullets. Mark grins.
   "The real question in, how did he not burn?" We laugh. "Congregations on the marriage."
    "Thanks. We wanted to have an actual wedding, but her father didn't give his blessing. She would never do something like that and not have him present." They nod along with what I'm saying.
    Cody takes out the papers from the printer and scams them over. "One of the addresses is in the next town over. I know someone from there who might know something." I nod and look at the rest of the papers.
    "I can run these addresses to see if any of the houses have done on the market within the past few years," I say. Mark picks his phone up when it rings. He mods head head head and hangs up.
    "We're clear to go to that fundraiser tonight. Word of advise to you Draven, bring your wife." Cody laughs. "Its not funny, you asshole. I almost lost mine the last time we went one of these things."
    "Explain. You know I don't want Cata getting involved in this stuff if it's not necessary."
    "Strippers, hookers, and just girls who want sex are there. They have their ways with seduction, trust me. You know how much I love Martina and they got to me."
    "She'll be there."

        Martina and Cata come out of the room, both looking beautiful

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        Martina and Cata come out of the room, both looking beautiful. Cata makes her way over to me, trying her best not to trio of the dress. My eyes trail down her body. I remember when she got the dress, for my sisters ball themed dress, but never got to wear it cause there was a change in plans.
    "You put every Disney princess to shame," I say as I place my hands in her waist. She blushes and kisses me softly.
   "We should get going. You girls know how to fire a gun?" Cata and Martina look at each other in horror but nod.
     We all look around the large mansion in shock. Couples and singles roam around the home in fancy clothing. I take Cata's hand in mine and look at the others.
   "We need to act natural, so we can get to Paisley," I tell them. We make a plan and split up. Women turns and looks at me as we make our way to the dance floor. A girl in a very tight fitting dress smirks up at me. "Aren't you an attractive one," she says, her voice smooth. She steps closer. Cata stands behind the girls with her arms crossed. "And those hands. Would you like to wrap them around my throat?"
    The girl falls down as if the dress has been pulled out from under her. She looks up at my beautiful wife. Cata gives her a sweet smile. "He's married you skank."
    She hand and pulls me to the dance floor. I rest my hands on her waist and pull her closer, to me. "Are you feeling better?" I ask. She nods.
    "I've felt tired all day, but the nausea is gone." I smile at that and dip her, earning her to give an angelic giggle. The sound of gunshots throughout the home surprises me. I know what it's from, but its still a shock cause its early.
   Although I don't want Cata getting hurt, I bring her with me so she doesn't panic. Or so I don't worry about her well being. A man jumps down from the top of the stairs, somehow landing on his feet. Mark and Cody run down the stairs with Marina behind them. as I take off after who I think is Paisley.
     We get outside and he gets in a car. Taking out my gun, I fire at the car but it still takes off. Two gunshots go off from the inside, making me turn and go back inside.
    Cata lays in the floor, blood spilling from somewhere in her. Her skin is pale and her eyes have gone dull. A man in a black suit lays on the ground as well, but he's dead already.
    I kneel down as Cody calls an ambulance. "Stay with me, baby. Stay awake." I cradle her head in my hands as I cry. Her breathing is so slow and her lips are chapped.

AN: Comment what you think will happen!! I have my new story, Danger and Tattoos up, please check it out. Share! Stay alive |-/       -Veah


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