Cute When Your Mad

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           Catalina's POV    I walk out of the bathroom, positioning my bun in pace

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           Catalina's POV
    I walk out of the bathroom, positioning my bun in pace. When Draven dropped me off, my parents were gone to a church event that I forgot about, so I had him stay. The PJs I'm wearing I've had for years, but have never wore since they are revealing, but my the rest of my pj's are dirty cause I haven't been able to do laundry.
     He looks up at me as I get in my bed and lay down with a book in hand. "You don't seem to be in the best mood. And I mean mad wise," he says. I shrug, not wanting to talk about my feelings right now. He grabs my book and sets it on the nightstand beside him. "Tell me."
    "Its stupid and I need to let it go," I say, still fighting the answer. He kisses my cheek.
   "Please, baby." Dear god, him and the nicknames. "If mights make you feel better and I could stop worrying." I turn my body so I'm facing him.
           Draven's POV
    I can tell she's mad about something, but she's too shy to answer. I pull her on top of me so she's straddling me. My hands rest in her bare back. "Tori," she answers. "Her and I are close and I don't ever want to ruin the relationship her and I have. Since I've been with you, she acts differently with me and I know why. She loves you as much more than a friend and I don't want to hurt her-"
    "She's a strong person, she can deal with it. You've lived most of your life pleasing others, when are you going to do something for yourself?"  I ask. She shakes her head, looking at my inked up arm.
    "I am doing something for myself; I'm with you. But when I heard what she said today, I wanted to hide under a million brackets and suffocate cause she's right. She can please you the way you need, give you more than I might ever will be able to. And you have this amazing chemistry with her from your pasts. You've slept together, many times, and a that angers me cause I know I can't be what you need.
    When I seen her kiss you, my blood boiled. I don't want to be that whore sister that takes the boy." I pull her lips to mine.
    "You can't take something if it was never theirs," I say. "I'm yours, baby girl. All yours, no one else's. And your cute when your angry." She blushes and takes a feel breath. I stand up and put my jacket back on. "As much as I hate to say it, I should get going. Your parents should be home soon and I don't want to risk anything."
   She stands and opens her door for me. My eyes travel down her body as I walk over to her. The top doesn't cover a lot up, but just fine since she just sleep in it. She leans up and kisses me.
   "You know what, I've found that I hate sleeping alone and like it a lot better when your next to me." She smiles against my lips. I kiss her slowly, her hands wrapped grip my sides as I cup her face in my hands.
    She sighs, her tongue moving with mine. "I love you," I tell her. She rests her forehead against mine. Someone clears their throat at the side or us. I back away and scratch the back of my neck nervously. I don't recognize this person. 
     "What the hell are you wearing, Catalina?" He says. She goes to her desk and grabs her robe. "What the hell are you doing with him?" She glaces up at me. Her expression is scared and she's tense.  
    "Um, he-he's my-"
    "Boyfriend," I finish for her. He glares at me and looks back at her. "Who the hell are you?" He chuckles.
   "I'm Kale, her older brother," he says. She never said she had a brother and neither ever did Tori. "I know exactly who you are. What could you want with my sister?" She looks at the ground, having the same look she had that day she passed out in the shower.
    "I don't see where's that any of your business," I say. I rest my hand on her back as she stays to hold her chest. Her body collapses against me.
    "What the hell did you do to her?" He demands. I glare and carry her outside, getting her some fresh air. Her parents are outside talking ri neighbors when we get out. I lay her down on the bench and kneels down beside her. Her parents run over.
    "What did you do to her?" They both ask in panic. I look up, my eyes narrowed.
   "What the hell, I didn't fucking do anything to her! Do you think if I tried to kill her I would bring her out here so she can get air?" They look at each other. "I'm sorry for my language. She just fell when we were talking to Kale. She looked really nervous before." Her eyes slowly open and she shoots up. She scoots back when she sees Kale.
      "What the hell did you do to her?" I ask as I stand. He shrugs. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and slam him against the door. He winces in pain. "Answer the damn question."'
     "I haven't done anything," he says. Looking behind me, her parents are scared and Cata looks dazed. She looks like she's going to be sick.
    "Please don't do anything," she says. "My head and my chest." I go over and take her hand.
    "Are you okay?" I ask. She searches my eyes and nods, blinking away tears. "No your not." She looks at her parents. "Can I take to her lay down?" I ask. Her mom says yes as her dad says no.
    Cata stands and lets me help her to her room. She lays down in her bed. I go to leave, but she reaches out for me. "Please don't go," she says, panicking again. "I don't want to be alone with him here-"
    "What did he do-"
     "I don't want to talk about it right now. Just please stay. At least until I go to sleep." I stand and get in next her.  She cuddles against me, her head on my chest. "I love you so much."'

an: this was her angry side towards what Tori did, requested by @laqueeshaork and I added a little bit of his protective side. Please comment a side of him or her you want to see next!! Share! Thank you for 1.31k reads!! Stay alive |- /                 -Veah

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