The Unknown

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            Draven's POV
   Her walls clench around me as she reaches her breaking point, her hands squeezing mine, eyes tightly shut, back arching off the wall in pleasure. I keep going until I cum as well.
   She looks at me with tired eyes. Her chest is rising and falling fast with beads of sweat. "Kneel," I tell her. She does as told without question and looks up at me.
   "What do you want?" I rise a brow, not wanting to have to say it. Hesitantly, she takes me in her mouth. Out of nowhere I start to feel disgusted with myself.
   "Stop," I say, she stops and stands, looking at me with nervous eyes. "Oh my gosh," I say. "Um, I don't feel so good," I say. She ours her clothes back on and hands me the sweats I usually sleep in. I put them on and look at my hands. "Did you ever know a man named Tig?" She shakes her head.
   "No, why?" She says. I shake my head.
   "No reason."
          Catalina's POV
     I walk inside and close the door softly behind me. My parents look at me from the kitchen. Both their expressions don't give me any indication on their moods. "Are you guys okay?" I ask.
   "Fine. You?" My dad ask, his voice tense and snappy. I shrug and sit down on the one of the stools, tugging at the sleeve of my shirt so they can't see the hand print bruise around my wrist.
   "Great," I say, shifting due to the sore feeling in my legs and in between. "Do you need help cooking dinner?" I ask. My mom nods.
   "What's that?" My dad asks. My sleep has slipped up. Draven was rougher than usual with me, so it left bruises on my body. I shrug, tugging at the sleeve again. "We know-"
   "Logan, don't you dare," my mom snaps. I look at them nervously. He looks furious.
   "No, she should know. You should be more careful when letting a phone go to voice mail," he says. I'm confused for a second, then realize what he's talking about. When my mom called I must have accidentally hit the answer button when setting it down on the dresser. My heart is hammering in my chest. I sit back down to calm myself down. 
   "I'm so sorry," I say. "I obviously didn't mean to answer that  and let you guys hear- oh my, you guys heard-"
    "Its fine sweety-"
    "No its not. She's acting like a wh-whore with a criminal," he says. My mom glares. "Your too young to be having that kind of sex, or any kind of sex! Your supposed to wait until marriage."
    "You shouldn't even know what goes on when its just him and me. That's none of your business. Why didn't you hang up?" I ask. My mom speaks up this time.
    "When I realized what was happening, I was gonna hand up, but he took the phone," she tells me. "And don't worry, we didn't see anything."
   "We might as well have with the kind of disgusting things he was saying to an underage girl!"
   "Dad, stop please. Its not like he's supposed to make me feel gross and unwanted. Can we just forget this happened?" My mom nods but he shakes his head.
   "You do know I can send him right back to prison for being with a minor. Why haven't I thought of this before!?"
    "Go cool off outside, Logan, your not thinking straight," my mom tells him, pointing outside. Scuffing ad sending me a dirty look, he walks outside, closing the screen door.
     "I can't believe that just- I feel disgusting," I say. My mom sits next to me.
   "You shouldn't feel ashamed of this. You didn't mean to and what you do with him when no one is around is no one else's business. He's has very highs standards as you know. Just let him cool off."
            Draven's POV
     Cody and Mark lean against my counter with their arms crossed. You should never think that their brothers; they look nothing alike. "So what was so important?" Mark asks.
    "You remember how Tig, the guy who killed my dad, had a daughter that he gave up fro adoption cause supposably didn't want her in the cross fire?" They nod. "Do you have his picture on the phone of him?" I ask.
    Cody takes his phone out, searches for the picture and hands me it. My eyes scam over the picture. Yep. "I know his daughter."
        "That's awkward," I say after Cata tells me what happened. Thankfully she agreed to stay here tonight. I don't want to tell her about her maybe birth dad yet.
    I draw her shirt up and kiss up her side. "If your after didn't like me already, he sure as hell does now."
    "He'll melt like an iceberg.
  Very slowly and at its own pace," she says. She turns around and look at me. "Do you ever feel weird about out ages?" She asks. Weird she's asking.
   "The only time it weirded me out was today when I had to stop. I actually felt like I was doing something wrong for the first time with you."
    Her expression falls. "But that doesn't change the I love you and won't stop. Your only a year from eighteen and your in this willingly. I'm not forcing you into anything."
     She traces my jaw with her short index finger. "I love you." She kisses me softly. "You have to get used t sleeping in your own again." I shake my head head like a kid refusing to do something.
   "No, I like having you laying down next to me. And intend of it staying this way until death," I say. My death might come sooner than others but its my intention.
   "I forgot that your playing for keeps," she says. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me.
    "Yes I am. I'm gonna make you Mrs.Century one day," I say. "That's if you want."
    "I'm in for the ride." My lips brush against hers slowly. I might be in love with the daughter of the man that killed my father.

AN: Oh snap. Shit is about to go down. Comment what you think will happen and a side of him or her you want to see! Share! Thank you for 1.40k readsstay alive |-/     -Veah

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