Don't Let Me Go

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           Catalina's POV
     The hospital is cold like always, but it feels colder cause I'm sick. Walking the halls of this place reminds me of painful memory of when my mom was in the hospital for months cause she was sick. I spot James leaning outside a door with his hands tucked in his pockets and hair messed up. His eyes meet mine once I'm close enough to him.
      "What's wrong with her?" I ask. He shrugs.
    "As soon as I tried going in, a doctor pushed me out. I've tried asking when the doctor came out, but he wouldn't. He said we can go in five minutes," he says. I sit down on the hallway floor, my knees pulling to my chest and my forehead against my knees. "You look like shit. Are you okay?" I smile at his honesty.
    "I'm sick," I answer. "But she sounded urgent on the phone, so here I am." I close my eyes against. They feel extremely heavy, my body feels too heavy for me to almost carry. The door opens and a middle aged man in scrubs comes out.
    "You can go in now," he tells us. James helps me up and we start to go in. The doctor grips his arm. "She's a little out of it right now with her emotions. Be careful." With that he leaves and we go in, closing the door behind us.
    I move close to James when I see Ray sitting in the chair next to Nicky. There are bags under her eyes, her hair is a total mess, her eyes are red, and her cheeks are puffy for crying.
   "I'm sorry for bothering you guys, but I didn't know who else to call," she says, trying not to start crying again. Ray is squeezing her hand, looking at her like he actually cares.
    "D-do they know what's wrong?" I ask. She nods and fiddles with her blanket.
    "I had a miscarriage. They said I didn't do anything wrong, but-" she's cut off by her starting to cry again. I walk over and hug her. Her buries her face in my neck, her body jerking as she sobs. "I'm so sorry for the way I acted that day. I was suck a bitch," she says.
    "Its okay," I tell her. "Everything is going to be okay. You've been able to get through things far worse than this, you'll get through this too." She gives me a small smile.
     "Can I speak to you for a second?" Ray asks me. Now I feel sick to my stomach. He stands up and walks to the door, signaling that I really have no choice. I follow him, sending James a look as I do.
    I shift back and forth nervously on my feet as he looks down at me. "Do you think she's going to be okay?" He asks. "Emotionally?" I bite down on my lip.
    "It'll take a while, but eventually," I answer. He steps closer to me.
    "I'm so stressed out over this whole thing," he says. I don't say anything, but jump with I feel his hand on my waist. He twists me so my back is against him. He grips my forearm and drags me into a empty room.
    He turns me so in looking at him as he pressed me roughly against the wall. I wince in pain from his grip on my waist. "Will you help me relieve some of that stress? You've always been good at helping with that." Tears well up in my eyes.
    I open my mouth to scream, but he covers it with his free hand. "Screaming will only make this worse, you know that." I squeeze my eyes shut. He forces me to my knees and undoes his jeans. I would get up, but he has me trapped against him and the wall.
    He forces my mouth open with his hand and leads it into my mouth. I can't help but gag. Tears run down my face as he thrusts into my mouth. He pulls my hair painfully, making this all that much worse. I open one eye and look around me.
    His eyes are closed, head thrown back. To the side of me is nothing I could use to hurt him. I bite down hard on his dick, making him call out in pain. He moves back. I stand and run towards the door. Before I can open it, he grabs a handful of my hair and yanks me back and throws me onto the small bed. He covers my body with his and undoes my pants. I squirm under him as I try to fight him off of me.
    He pulls them down along with my underwear and licks down there. I left a knee to try to knee him, but can't. He comes back up and thrusts himself into me. I'm about to yell again, but he presses his mouth to mine to muffle it.
       His moans and groans disgust me. I elbow him across the face and finally have a chance to knee him. He falls to the floor, his head hitting the counter. Thankfully he didn't fully remove my pants so its easy for me to pull them up without having to stop.
    When I get out of the room a wave of relief hits me but not a whole lot of it. I run into someone's chest. Almost sending me to fall. Looking up, I see Draven. "Are you okay?" He asks. I look at the large clock on the wall and its the time I asked him to pick me up at.
    He places a hand on my waist. I try to get away from him, but he holds me in place with a concerned look on his face. I know he wouldn't hurt me, but I can't convince myself that. He runs his knuckles down my face, his thumb grazing my parted lips.
    I finally find the strength to push him away from me. "Don't touch me," I say. A hurt expression crossed his handsome face as I turn away from him. James comes out of the room and looks at me with his brows drawn together in concern.
           Draven's POV
     I'm confused as to what just happened. She acted as if I was going to hurt her. The door to a room opens and James comes out. She wraps her arms around him and buries her face in in the crook of his neck. His hands run up and down her back as she breaths heavily.
    "Are you okay?" He asks her. She sniffs, tears now running down her face.
    "Please don't let me go," she says softly. He sighs and kisses the top of her head.

AN: Ohh nooo. What do you guys think will happen?? Comment a side of him or her you guys wants to see!!! It helps me with what to write! Share. Stay alive |-/      -Veah


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