How Are You Doing That

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            Draven's POV
    As much as I hate to say it, he made me loose it finally. He thinks I'll kill her. If this town would believe me, I'd yell from the top of a building that I didn't kill Jonny and I tried stopping him from committing suicide.
    Cata's eyes widen when I say that I've killed someone. She might think I lied to her when I said I didn't shoot Jonny. It wasn't him I killed it was someone else, and it still haunts me.
     "Can I be excused for a second?" She asks her father, looking like she's going to be sick. Not waiting for his answer, she rushes into the room and closes the door. He looks at me with narrowed, furious eyes.
    "Don't give me that look," I  say, opening the water bottle. "I've been friends with Toru for years and I've never hurt her. What makes you think I will Cata?" I ask. He shakes his head.
   "Cause she's weak and helpless. People like you feed on that. You got her in bed, that's one thing you wanted. And then you'll be burying her body tomorrow morning. And come on, if your going to go for sex, go for the one that might actually give you a good time-"
   "Excuse me?" Cata's voice says from the door frame. I don't get how he could talk about her like that. That's his own daughter. Her eyes are watery and she's glaring at him. "Can I talk to you Raven?" She asks. The nickname feels right coming from her instead of Tori.
    Still glaring at her father. I make my way over and close the door behind us, leaving against it so he can't barge in. "Have you killed someone?" She rushes out in a panicked voice. My heart stops for a second. This is what I was scared would happen with her. This is why I started to realize I was no good for her when we were broken up.
    "I don't think now is a good time to dis-"
    "Please, just answer it. Of you don't, I won't be able to look you the same. Just tell me the truth," she says. I look away from her.
   "My father was a drug lord, a very powerful, rich one who had people that wanted him dead. He knew my older brother was too nice and his brother would never agree to do something like that. But me, I would very done anything for him since he barely gave me a second glance.
     He taught me how to use a gun at thirteen, taught me how to aim perfectly so I would never miss. He made me into the perfect fighter he needed. The night he died, he made me come with him to place he getting the drugs. I didn't know what he did for a living, my mom never said and neither did he. Masked men showed up with weapons and came after us. After everyone was wad I was in shock of what I just seem and my dad was laying dead at my feet. Two of the men on my dads side called me over to the corner and there was someone hiding. They took the mask off of him and made me shoot him cause they thought he'd talk. I couldn't eat or sleep for the longest time and I had to act like I didn't know anything; which I only knew what he told me. That innocent, goof little boy died that night along with my dad and I haven't been the same."
    Her eyes search mine in shock after I'm done telling the story. She wipes the tears that escaped my eyes away and kisses me. "It's not your fault. Its not too late for you to get that good-"
    "Yes it is," I tell her. "But you somehow being it back alone when your around me, and for that I'm so grateful. I don't understand how your looking at me the same way you were last night."
   She sets her hands on my bare waist. "Cause that story doesn't change who you are as a person. I love you, Draven." I lean down and kiss her, making her stomach.
    "I love you too," I tell her, my ajnds goes I to her hair. The door opening reminds us that we're not actually alone. Her dad grabs her ark and yanks her away from me. She winces at his grasp. "Sir-"
    "Don't even try boy. I hope you go back to prison next month so you can get away from my daughter. She doesn't need someone like you," he says. She yanks her arm away, rubbing the area that is now red. He was holding her too roughly.
    She looks up at me shyly. "Stop that," he tells her.
    "Looking at him like you love him. We're leaving," he says.
      "You look great," my mom says as she washes a dish. I walk over and take the sponge from her. "What happened to your shoulders," she says in a horrified tone. I shrug, not wanting to have that conversation with her. Her eyes widen. "I'm not even going to ask."
   "I started dating someone," I say, smiling a little. She sits down on the stool. "Catalina Rose, the girl I was talking to you about that one day after church. She's wonderful and beautiful. I didn't know I could feel this way about anyone before."
     A squeal comes from the stair way. My sister runs over and sit next to our mom. "My big brother has a girlfriend. Finally. I was beginning to think you were gay; not that it would ve a bad thing." I smile.
    "Yeah, well its not that hard to get with girls when your in a holding cell." She chuckles. My older brother and step dad come down and walk over.
    "Why can't you be more like him? He helps his mother out," my step dad says. My mom gives me wary look.
   "No, you clean to distract yourself. What's wrong?" She asks. I set the sponge down and gesture for her to follow me outside. She closes the screen door behind us. "What?"
    "Catalina is the pastors daughter and he found out that she's with me, a criminal bin the towns eyes. I'm scared hell keep us apart from each other." She brushes my hair on my forehead a little. Its too long now, I need to get it cut.
     "If she loves you, you'll find a way."

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