I'm Here

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Cata's POV
    They aren't letting anyone in the room with me, even Draven as they put needles and IV's in me. I've gotten the epidural, which has stopped the pain, but not a whole lot. My anxiety hasn't stopped. I need Draven in here with me.
    "When can my husband come in?" I ask. The nurse looks at the monitor and writes something down.
    "The scary muscular guy?" I nod. "He's trying to calm who I assume are your parents. I'm sure that if I send him in, they'll follow, and your blood pressure-"
    "I need him in here with me," I snap as a contraction hits. She gives me a smile and walks out the door. Sitting up, I remove my bra like my doctor said I could. Draven comes in followed by my patents and to my surprise, Tig and Linda.
     I can tell their presence has Draven tense. "How do you feel?" He asks, taking my hand in his.
    "Fine. Have they told you anything?" I ask, praying he'll say something that'll calm me.
    "They haven't," he says. I look at my parents in confusion. "When I called them, they were over and all came. I was too worried about you to refuse." I nod, resting my head on the pillow. I wince loudly, catching everyone's attention.
    "Did she kick?" My mom asks. Everyone thinks it's a girl, but Draven and I have decided to wait to find out until its actually here. I shake my head, my cheeks hearing up.
   "What's wrong?" Draven asks me in a whisper. I gesture him with my finger to come closer.
    "They hurt," I say. It takes him a minute, but his eyes drop to my chest for a second. He turns to my parents and my...other parents?
   "Could you guys go wait out in the hall for a few minutes?" he them. They all walk to the door without hesitation. He walks around the bed and down next to me in a the surprisingly large bed. "Lean against me." I do as told the best I can.
   Pushing the blanket down so my breasts are exposed he gropes them in his calloused hands. I'm surprised this isn't turning me on. I close my eyes.
    "Thank you," I sigh, relaxing against him. He kisses the top of my head. He doesn't stop his actions. The door opens and the doctor comes in.
   "I see your breasts are hurting. That's normal," she says. I'm surprised I didn't tell him to stop when the door opened. Because it's a doctor, I don't find it in myself to care. "I understand that your seven months now?" I nod. "Well the good news is that nothing looks to be seriously wrong. But you are going into labor, that's what the pain was."
     "That can't be right. She's not nine months."
    "Premature; it's not rare. The baby seems to be healthy, very small, but healthy. If we could, we would send you home for two months but that wouldn't be healthy for you or your child."
   She gives me a small smile before walking out. "Just relax. Everything will be okay." My parents walk in. Now if he took his hands away, it would be obvious. Thank the lord this blanket is thick so you can't tell what he's doing underneath.
    "What did she say?" Tig asks, his arm wrapped around my mom's, Linda's, waist.
    "I'm having our baby two months early."
       The sound of crying makes me smile. I can't see anything past my neck since they had to cover everything due to me having to have a C-section.
    Half an hour layer I'm stitched up and the take the curtain away. The door opens and Draven rushes in. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the doctor wrapping the baby up in a blanket and walking over.
    "Its a girl," she tells us with a warm smile. Draven let's out a sweep breath. The nurse places my baby girl in my arms. I blink back tears as I look down at her.
      "She's so small," Draven says, sounding breathless. I look up at him with a smile.
   "What's her name?" The nurse asks.
    "Samaira Rain Century," I say. We agrees on the name awhile back. When she leaves I look at Draven, his eyes fixed on his daughter with tears. "Hold her?"
    He takes her from my arms. She looks even smaller in his muscular arms. "Thank you," he tells me. My brows draw together. "For her. Everything."
    He sits down on the edge of my bed. I'm happy my parents left, so we can share this moment together alone. He leans down and kisses me, holding her firmly in his arms. "I'm here. Sleep. I have her."

AN: Can we take a minute to look back at how they where with each other when they first met and now...THEY HAVE A BABY! Oh how times have changed for them. Comment your thoughts! Share! Stay alive |-/    -Veah

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