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"That was great Liv!" Abby exclaimed as I came off of the small stage.

"Thanks! That was heaps of fun!" I said as I took a drink of water and placed my guitar on the stand. Yeah, I learnt the guitar. "I can't wait to release my album!" I said happily with a big grin on my lips. Yep, I, Olivia O'Brien made it into the music industry! I was signed to capitol records, we had done a lot of writing and I was heading to LA to record once my little Australian tour was done and I had a small break.

"Yeah, I can't wait to go to LA!" Abby exclaimed as she pulled me in for a hug.

"I know! I am so excited! Remember we leave on new years day! That is only 15 days away!" I smiled and we both squealed happily. We walked back to the small dressing room and I got changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt before we made our way back to our flat. Yes, Abby and I moved in together. After that day we met at the book shop we just became closer and closer. We both got on so well and it was like we had known each other our whole lives, when in reality we had only known each other a year, which isn't exactly that long.

I got into the drivers side of my car after taking a few pictures with fans and we pulled out of the car park. We drove about ten minutes to our apartment before we got out and went up stairs. As soon as we got inside Abby went to bed and I sat on the couch. I turned the TV on and luckily SpongeBob was on so I laid back and let my thoughts take over.

It had been nearly a year since Luke and I broke up. We broke up in January and it is now December. I miss him a lot. I miss them all a lot actually. About a month after the breakup we all kind of just stopped talking. I didn't call them, they didn't call me. I don't know what happened, but I am kind of happy it did. It gave me a chance to move on and I am happy about that now. Well, moving on is a big thing so I don't think that I am quite there yet.

I also have had a boyfriend again. His name was Angus. We only dated for a few weeks though. We decided that it would be better if we were friends rather than a couple... okay that's a lie. The truth is his boyfriend walked in on him kissing me and then we broke up and never spoke again. I just prefer to tell people the fake version, it sounds better.

Sadly, I still suffer from depression and my eating disorder but I am getting help. I haven't self harmed in a few months which is amazing but the eating disorder has its ups and downs. Abby helps me a lot though and so do my parents.

My mum got engaged and married, to that guy John. He is a really lovely guy and they love each other to bits. So now I have 2 half siblings. Michael and Tessa. Michael just turned 15 and Tessa turns six in the new year. I get along with them quite well. My dad is going strong too, he met someone as well. His name is Mark. Yes, him. It turned out my Dad was Bi. I am extremely happy for the both of them though.

When Mum and John married, John, Michael and Tessa moved in with mum and I. I know it's only a three bedroom house but they redid the study from downstairs into a bedroom and I moved in there due to the fact that I would be away all the time.

While I have been starting my music career I also completed year 11 but I don't think I will do year 12 next year. It just seems a bit hard, I mean I hardly coped with year 11 so year 12 will be a lot harder.

I heard a loud snore and I laughed quietly to my self. Abby is a really bad snorer! It took a while to get used to it but I did eventually. I could feel myself getting tired so I turned off my the funny cartoon before making my way to my room. I changed into some PJ shorts and a random shirt before laying down. I laid awake for what felt like ages. I just couldn't get to sleep. I guess I had a lot on my mind. After a while of tossing and turning I finally managed to fall asleep.


"Bye! Have fun!" My mum said as Abby and I walked to the gate our plane was been boarded from.

"We will! Love you mum!" I yelled and people smiled at our affection.

"Love you Mum! We will talk to you when we land!" Abby yelled. Half way through the year Abby's Mum died in a car crash. Ever since then we lived together. She was extremely upset and my mum took care of her like she was her own daughter, so that's how Abby started to call my mum, mum. Her dad took care of her little sister and her older brother was living by himself.

"Love you too!" She yelled and we walked down the passageway to the plane. We sat down in our seats and we squealed with joy.

"We are going to LA!" Abby said excitedly.

"I know! I am going to record a bloody album! How crazy is that!" I said and Abby laughed. Abby actually helped write a lot of the songs that I had for the album, so that is apart of the reason why she is coming with me. She pulled me in for a hug and we started to chat about anything and everything until the flight left.


"Ugh! I am so tired!" Abby groaned as she fell face first onto one of the two double beds. We had just arrived at the hotel after our long flight to LA. I sat down my suitcase and back pack before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Same!" I said as I laid back on the bed. "But I am also kinda hungry. So, do you want to go get food?" I asked and she quickly rolled over and sat up.

"Yes, lets go" She said and got up off the bed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed. I fell to the floor and she laughed at me. "Come on Liv! I need some food!" She yelled and started to drag me to the door.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed. She let go and I got off of the clean floor. "Let's go, I am pretty sure I saw a Macca's down the street on the way here" I told her. She nodded and we made our way out the door. After a few minutes of walking we finally arrived at the building we were looking for. I ordered my usual happy meal and Abby ordered hers. I walked over to a table while Abby waited for our food. A few girls came up at me and smiled.

"Hey" I said.

"H-Hi" One said with a big smile. "We are big fans" She said. I chatted with them for a few minutes and took photos before Abby came over and they left.

"So, were they nice?" Abby asked. She was hiding something. I could always tell by the way she looks around as she speaks, when usually she would look at you when she talks.

"What is it?"


"Tell me what you know. Come on, I know you so I know you are hiding something"

"Promise you won't get mad or upset?" I nodded and she took a deep breath. "Okay, so some of your fans are also fans of... 5SOS and they just told me that they are coming to LA soon to record their album" She told me.

"Oh, that's alright I guess. I mean it's not like we are going to run into them. LA is a big city" I said with a nervous laugh.

"Are you sure you are okay with it though? I mean things have been good for you lately and I just don't want things to go bad again. It makes me sad when things go bad" She said quietly. I smiled at her and took her hand in mine.

"I'm okay, honestly. I am over him. I don't need him or any of them anymore, so I will be okay. Thank you though. You are the bestest best friend anyone could ask for! " I said with a laugh. We finished eating our food before we made our way back to the hotel. There were a few fans waiting out the front and they got photos with me and some got some with Abby as well. We walked back up to our hotel room and I checked the time. 11:30pm.

I got changed into some PJ's quickly before getting into bed. Tossed and turned for what seemed like forever, there was something bugging me. What if we do run into them? What if I see them again? What if I see him again and my thoughts are confirmed? Somehow, a few minutes later I fell asleep.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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