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"I hate scary movies!" I whined as they pressed play. 5SOS were now here and we were all sitting in the lounge room area of mine and Abby's hotel room. Abby was on a single couch with Calum (I have no idea why, but they just are), Michael was sitting on the floor with Ashton while I sat on the three seater with Luke and Brad, which was slightly awkward.

"Oh, well" Luke said grumpily as I cuddled closer to Brad's side. I smiled up at Brad before he pressed his lips to mine. The kiss still didn't have a spark at all but I really liked Brad so I didn't want to ruin what we have. "Will you two please stop? It's distracting me from the movie" We heard someone say and we stopped kissing. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched the movie. After a few minutes Brad's phone went off and he had to leave. I could feel myself start to shake as I got really scared.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just a movie" Luke whispered as he inched closer to me. I moved over so I was sitting closer to Luke. He pulled a blanket around the two of us as I hid my face into the crook of his neck. Luke draped an arm over my shoulder and started to rub patterns into my back.

"You okay?" he asked. His face was dangerously close to mine and I had to fight the urge to smash my lips against his. No, stop thinking like that. You have a boyfriend now. I nodded slowly before laying my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.


"You do realize she now has a boyfriend" I heard Abby say. I must have fallen asleep. I pretended that I was still asleep to see where this conversation was going.

"Yeah, but just by the look of that guy I didn't trust him" Luke said. I could feel the vibrations in his chest as he spoke.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Abby asked with a laugh.

"Actually, we all picked up on that Abby" I heard Michael say. What the hell do they mean they don't trust him? What could he possibly do? Then again I thought that Juliana was harmless.

"Okay, so maybe you don't trust him but Liv does"

"I just wish she was with me again but no. I had to go and fuck it all up" Luke said quietly. I decided I had heard enough so my eyes fluttered open. I smiled at Luke who was looking at me. I just wanted to push him back on the god damn couch and kiss him.

"Morning sleepy" Luke said quietly with a laugh. I giggled at him and looked at everyone else. They were all watching mine and Luke's interaction. I realized that I, a girl with a boyfriend, should not be cuddling up to her ex-boyfriend. I quickly shuffled away before getting up.

"I think I might make some popcorn" I said with a smile before walking out of the room. I went into the little kitchen and placed a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I leant against the counter and scrolled through twitter. Everyone now knows that I spent the night at Luke's hotel. There were pictures of me the night before and the morning after. Everyone thinks that we are back together and it just makes me sad so I locked my phone and waited for the popcorn.

"Liv?" I heard someone say. I quickly turned to the door way and saw Luke walking in slowly.

"Oh, hey" I said awkwardly.

"Look I have some explaining to do" Luke said as he stood in front of me.

"About what?" I asked him as I picked at my nails.

"What happened in London" He whispered.

"I don't think it needs to be explained. You cheated on me and apparently I am just a clingy, attention seeking bitch" I told him. A tear fell down my cheek as I remembered that day.

"No, just let me explain please. I can't go on knowing that you are still upset about what happened. I have to tell you the true story so that I can move on with my life" He whispered as he wiped the tear away from my cheek. The thing is I don't want him to move on but at the same time I do. I want to move on but at the same time I want to go back and be with Luke.

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