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*Luke's POV*

"Olivia!" We heard someone call as we walked into the building where we record. The boys and I gave Olivia and Abby a lift to the studio today. I turned around and saw Brad walking up to Liv. My jaw clenched and my hands balled at my sides.

"Oh, hey" Liv said. Brad walked over to her and pressed his lips to hers. His hands found her hips but they dropped lower and his hands gripped her arse. I swear to god I will punch him. She pulled away from him and looked at the ground.

"Do you want to hang out tonight?" He asked, hands still on her arse.

"Yeah sure" She smiled at him, it wasn't a genuine smile though. It looked forced.

"Cool, just at your hotel? I don't really feel like going out tonight"

"Okay, I will text you. Bye" She smiled at her and he kissed her again.

"Luke what's wrong?" Abby asked me. I was about to tell her but Brad pulled away from Olivia and smirked at me.

"Yeah Luke, what's up?" He asked innocently as he wrapped his arms around Olivia from behind and rested his chin on top of her head.

"Nothing. I just really want to get to recording" I told them through gritted teeth. I looked at Calum and he nodded, telling me that I did the right thing by not telling them.

"Oh, yeah you have a point. We have to go. Bye Brad" Olivia said before detaching her self from him and beginning to walk away with out us.

"Liv, wait!" Abby called and walked off after her.

"Later douche bags" Brad said before waving and walking off. I hate him. I hate his so much! I swear if he hurts Olivia in the slightest way I will kill him.

"Come on Luke" Michael said and pulled me away. We walked towards the elevator where Liv and Abby were waiting. Liv looked up at me and I smiled. Her cheeks went bright red as she looked to the floor. That was weird. The doors opened up and we all stepped in. Once we got to our level we all stepped out.

"Luke?" Olivia asked and I turned to her.

"Yeah? Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"Can you come with me?" She asked.

"Cal, I will be there soon" I told Calum.

"Abby, can you just tell them I am having breakfast?" Olivia asked Abby and she nodded. Liv smiled up at me and took my hand in hers. We stepped back onto the empty lift and she pressed the top floor. Once it got there we stepped out and Liv guided me to the stairs. We climbed up two flights of stairs until we got to the top.

"What are we doing here?" I asked her and she shrugged before opening the door. We were on top of the roof and it was beautiful. There were plants everywhere and the view was incredible. "Wow"

"Yeah, someone told me about it. I hadn't actually been up here before until now"

"How come you asked me to come?" I asked as I looked at her. Why would she bring me up here. I am just her friend, she should have brought Brad up here.

"Why not" She smirked up at me. I felt like leaning down and pressing my lips to hers. I wanted to kiss her and hold her so much but I can't.

"You could have brought your dick head of a boyfriend up here" I said as I walked around. Oh shit, I just said that out loud.

"Excuse me?" She asked as she placed a hand on her hip. "Why is he a dickhead?"

"He just is" I told her as I looked at the view.

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