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"Hey baby" Brad said when I opened the door. I wrapped my arms around him in an awkward hug.

"Hi" I smiled at him. I pulled my arms away from him as he stepped inside. We walked into the lounge room and Abby greeted Brad with a hug.

"Right, well I will leave you two alone. I am staying at someone's place so you can have the whole place to your self. Have fun" Abby said before hugging me. She walked out of the room and once the hotel door closed Brad smashed his lips against mine. I kissed him back but I didn't feel anything. There was no butterflies in my stomach and no feeling of adrenaline running through my body. It just wasn't right. I pulled away and looked up at him.

"Did you want you to watch some movies?" I asked him in attempt to distract him but he shook his head. Instead he dragged me over to the couch and pulled me down on top of him.

"Talk to me" He said. We began to talk about our days. I, of course, skipped the highlight of my day aka the part I spent with Luke. I was laying next to him talking about some fans I had met when he started to press kisses to my neck. I was starting to stutter as I spoke. He started to suck lightly on one part of my neck.

"Did you want to watch that movie now?" I asked as his hands started to roam my body. Instead of answering he flipped us around so that he was above me. He pressed his lips to mine and started to grind himself against me. I felt uncomfortable as he carried out these actions. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away from me.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Sorry, but can we watch a movie?" I asked as my eyes flickered to the roof behind his head. I bit my lip as I waited for his response.

"Fine" He groaned as he sat up. I sat up as well and picked up my phone.

"Would you like some pizza?" I asked him and he nodded. I ordered a pizza before setting up the movie. "What would you like to watch?" I asked as I turned to look at him. His eyes were raking down my body slowly and I couldn't help but feel self consious. I hate it when guys do that. When they look at you like you a just an object and not a human being.

"Don't care. You pick" He said. I smiled at him before leaning down and picking up the Spiderman dvd. I put the disk in and went to the bathroom quickly while I waited for the movie to load. Once I was done I checked my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a bit messy and I had a bruise on my neck. I ran my fingers lightly over the sensitive skin and shook my head. I walked out of the bathroom just as I heard a knock on the door. I grabbed my wallet before quickly making my way to the door. I opened it and there stood the pizza deliver.

"One medium peperoni and a bottle of coke?" The girl asked and I nodded. I gave her the money and she handed me the pizza.

"Thank you" I smiled at her. I was about to close the door but she stopped me.

"Wait!" She said which caused me to turn back to her. "Sorry, but I'm Anna and I'm a big fan of yours" She said as she adjusted her hat.

"Oh, I will just go put this pizza down and then I will come back" I said with a smile. She nodded and I ran off to the kitchen. I placed the pizza on the bench along with the coke before making my way to the door again. I opened it to reveal the girl again. "So would you like a photo?" I asked her and she nodded. She got out her phone and we took a few selfies together.

"Thank you so much, this means so much!" She said with a smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, but where did you find out about me?" I asked her. I was always intrigued as to where all these people found out about me from.

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