Stay With Me

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I bit my nails nervously as I waited for Luke to come back. He went to get us some food quickly and I needed to speak to him about going back to Australia. I am nervous for his reaction because of how protective he is over me at this moment in time.

"Okay, I got a hamburger and chips for the both of us" Luke said as he walked in. He kicked the door shut with his foot and walked over to the bed, where I was sitting cross legged as I leant back against the headboard. "Here you go" he smiled brightly as he handed me a burger. I gulped as I took the food from him.

"Thanks" I choked out quietly.

"Is something wrong?" Luke asked as he sat down next to me.

"Luke, we need to talk about something" I said quietly as I placed my burger on the bedside table. I turned back to him to see his worried and confused expression across his beautiful face. I took his hands in mine and took a deep breath.

"Liv, what's the matter?" He asked me. I took another deep breath and looked up at him.

"I need to go back home, to Australia Luke" I informed him. "I feel like me being here is weighing you down so I think it would be best if I go back" I said quietly, my hands still gripping on to his.

"No, you have to stay" He said with a pained voice as his rough thumb grazed over my knuckle

"I can't Luke. You have to go and tour and record and do all the things you do, but you can't if I am here" I whispered. "I'm sorry"

"No, please don't go Liv. I think you should stay" Luke pleaded as his hands squeezed mine.

"I should though Luke" I said and he shook his head. "Why shouldn't I go?"

"You just shouldn't" Luke said as he dropped my hands and got off of the bed. I followed him and stood up.

"Why though Luke? Give me one decent reason as to why I should stay here" I told him as I crossed my arms.

"Because, you could slip into a state of depression again" Luke said as he walked up to me his eyes watery and glossy from tears. "Please just stay with us until we go to Australia at the end of the month, please Liv... I'm begging you" Luke said.

"No Luke, I am going to go home so that you can have some time to yourself and I can spend time with my family" I said.

"No, I'm not going to let you go! I just want you to be safe!" He yelled, slightly scaring me. I stepped back and the harsh look in his eyes softened.

"I am going Luke! There is nothing you can do about it!" I said as loud as I could with my sore throat.

"Olivia, please just stay. I need you with me right now. I am struggling to get through a day, but knowing that you are here when the day is up is what gets me through it. Please just stay" He said quietly as he walked up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist lightly and buried his head into my neck. "Please" he whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Luke, I can't" I whispered as I began to run my fingers through his soft hair at the back of his head. "I should go home, I can't stay here for a month and do nothing. Instead I should go home and work out what I want to do with my life" I whispered in his ear. A quiet sob came from Luke's mouth as tears began to fall on my neck. I tightened my arms around him and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. I pulled away from him and he looked down at me. His cheeks had a few tears slowly rolling down his red cheeks. I took his hand in mine and led him over to our bed.

"What's wrong? I know this isn't all about me leaving" I said as he leant back against the head board. He carefully pulled me onto his lap and pressed his lips to mine lightly. "Luke, no kissing until you tell me what's wrong. You can trust me. You know that"

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