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*Olivia's POV*

"Olivia!" I heard Abby call as I sat on my bed.

"In here" I called back. Abby walked in and she looked really confused.

"What the fuck happened between you and Luke?" She asked, she seemed angry for some reason.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I got off of the bed. I walked over to my suitcase and started to organize my clothes.

"Something happened between you two tonight, now tell me!" She yelled.

"Fine! We kinda made out and cuddled a bit. We spent time together and it was the best I had ever felt in a whole year! He make's me feel special Ab, he makes me feel wanted and loved"

"You have a fucking boyfriend!" She yelled. I folded my clothes. "Will you stop doing that, I am trying to talk to you!" I continued doing what I was doing and that's when she picked up the clothes in my hand and threw them across the room. "How the hell can you do that to Brad?! He really likes you!"

"I know" I said as I stood up.

"You are so fucking irritating! I am trying to help you! I have tried to help you for a god damn year but Luke walks into your life for like an hour and magically you are okay! You are so pathetic!"

"What? How am I pathetic?!" I yelled back.

"Are you even listening to your self? He makes me feel special! It makes me sick! You have a boyfriend already, so how about you stick to him instead of being a slut! Plus you are wanted and loved by so many other people other than Luke. You mum, dad, friends, fans and I all want you here and love you but you know what, you can take me off of that list because you make me sick! I can't keep going though this with you!"

"He does though. He makes me feel okay again"

"Shut up Olivia! You are so annoying and stupid! I can't believe I even tried to help you! I fucking hate you!" She shouted. She quickly grabbed her things and shoved them in her suit case. I can't even talk.

"You don't mean that, I know you don't" I told her quietly as she rushed around the room.

"Oh yeah I do, so fuck off and leave me alone" She said as she picked up her suit case and walked out. When I heard the door close I collapsed to the ground and sobbed. After about half an hour of crying I pulled out my phone. I didn't even know what I was doing, my mind and hands were some how disconnected as I pressed send. A few moments later he replied.

Luke: What's wrong?

Me: I don't feel very good

Luke: I am going to call you, okay?

Me: Okay

A few moments passed before the phone started to ring. I took a few deep breaths before answering.

"Luke" I said quietly.

"Liv, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Why do people hate me?" I asked him and sniffled.

"What? who hates you?"

"Abby" I said before bursting into tears again.

"I am coming over right now" he said. "But talk to me for a while. Tell me a story about something you did or anything" I heard him say. I didn't know what to talk about so he started to talking to me. A few minutes later he had me laughing. After talking for about ten minutes on the phone there was a knock at the door.

"There's someone here" I said.

"It's me" He informed me and I quickly hung up before running up to the door. I opened it and wrapped my arms around him. "You okay?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. We walked in and sat down on the couch. I was at one end with my legs crossed and he was at the other. I explained to him what happened and I ended up crying again.

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