Have Fun

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"I will see you in a few days" Luke smiled at me. "Have fun with my Mum" He said with a laugh and I laughed too.

"I love you, I will see you soon. Call me when you land okay" I said once our laughs faded away. He nodded with a smile on his plump lips. I went up on my tip toes before I pressed my lips to his quickly and hugging him tightly.

"I have to go but I will face time you tonight, I promise" He said.

"Okay, i love you. Be safe" I said before kissing him once more before he walked off with Ashton, Calum and Michael to the plane. Liz and I walked back to the car and headed to mine and Luke's new home. Yes, we got the house. I am very excited about it too!

Liz is helping me move some stuff in while Luke is away and then when Luke gets back we are going to start unpacking things and making the place our own. She pulled into my new drive way and I smiled at the sight of the house. It is an amazing house, I mean it looked awesome in the pictures but seeing it in person just made Luke and I fall in love with it instantly.

I got out of the car with Liz and I walked up to the front door. I unlocked it before walking back to the car to get out some boxes that were full of mine and Luke's things. We placed them on the floor of the entry way before going out to get more boxes. Once we had brought in the six big boxes full of things Liz and I collapsed on to the couch that Luke and his Dad, Andrew, had brought here yesterday.

"I am really happy for you and Luke" Liz said with a warm smile.

"Thank you. I am glad you support our relationship" I said with a smile. After a while of Liz and I talking we decided that we would start going through some of the boxes. We put all of the clothes from the boxes into the built in closet before making the bed that Luke and his dad picked up from my house.

Over the time Luke was away I stayed back at home with Mum and John. I didn't want to stay at that house all alone. When Luke was back for one night we stayed at his house because he was exhausted and wanted to spend some time with his family. He was getting back from his tour today though. It ended last night and he got a flight home with the other boys early this morning.

I got out of bed and jumped into the shower quickly. Once I was done, I quickly dried myself and pulled on a pair of jeans and a cream coloured sweater as it is a bit cold out side. I tied my hair back into a neat bun before pulling on a pair of vans.

I picked up my phone from beside the mattress I have been sleeping on and walked downstairs. I was sleeping on a mattress in Melissa's room at the moment because of Luke's absence. I insisted on sleeping on the couch but Melissa thought that it would be fun to have me sleep up stairs in her room as it would be like a sleep over.

I walked into the kitchen and had a quick glass of water before looking at the time. 8:14am. Their flight arrives at 8:55am so Liz should be here to pick me up soon. A few moments later I saw her car pull into the drive way. I grabbed my hand bag before quickly running outside to the car. I opened the back seat and greeted Liz and Andrew.

"Good morning Olivia, how are you?"

"I'm great thanks" I said with a big smile. The car pulled out of the drive way and we began the journey to the airport. After twenty long minutes we finally arrived and found a car park. The three of us walked inside to the arrival area where we were to wait for them to arrive. We met up with the others families as well. I was so excited about seeing Luke again, I miss him so much.

"Olivia!" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned around and saw Mali. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. We were talking for about two minutes before her eyes flickered to something behind me and I was about to turn around but I was stopped by two familiar arms wrapping around my waist.

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