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"You have to tell me what's wrong with her!" I heard a voice yell.

"Sir, please calm down. Legally, I can't tell you but once she wakes and I can inform her about what has happened to her then she can tell you" Another voice said but it was calmer.

My eyes flickered open to see a dull room. The walls were a greyish white colour and it had a small window covered by a curtain. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I looked down at my body and saw the hospital gown I was wearing, tubes disappearing into my thin, pale arms and a blanket covering my lower body.

I groaned in pain as I managed to move slightly. Over the sound of the oxygen mask on my face I could hear a beep. It was continuous, which must mean it's my heart monitor. I sighed deeply which also caused pain to course through my sore body. I was slightly confused as to why I was here. I tried to think back to what happened but it wouldn't come. About thirty seconds later it hit me. I was bashed by that girl.

I looked to the door slowly as it opened. In walked the person I wanted to see. He was looking at the ground and his clothes looked wrinkled. He sat down on the chair closest to my bed. He lightly slipped his hand underneath mine and his thumb stroked my knuckles slightly.

"I love you Olivia. I just want you to wake up" He whispered as he looked at my hand. His spare hand went up to his eyes as tears started to fall from his bright blue eyes. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Luke" I croaked extremely quietly as I squeezed his hand. His head snapped up to see me. His usual bright eyes were dull and watery from the tears. He looked exhausted and sad. It was truly heartbreaking to see.

"Liv?" he whispered as he sat up straight, his eyes wide. "I thought I was hearing things. I'm so glad you are okay" He whispered before pressing an extremely light kiss to my forehead. "I love you Liv and I missed you"

"How long was I out for?" I managed to ask him.

"Three days" He whispered as he pushed some hair back and away from my eyes. I went to say something but I ended up coughing due to the pain in my throat which caused me to cry out in pain. "Sh... baby it's okay. Just calm down. I will just go get the doctor so she can tell you what's happened" He said quietly before getting up and walking out. A few moments later a doctor and a nurse walked in.

"Hey sweetie, I'm your doctor, just call me Heather and this is your nurse Mary" She said. "Now, would you like your boyfriend to be in the room while I go through what happened"

"Liv, I think you should hear it all before me. I will just go and find the boys and tell them you are up. I love you" Luke whispered.

"I love you" I whispered to him before he walked out of the room. The nurse and the doctor went over a few of the things connected to my body before the nurse left and Heather took a seat where Luke had sat just a while ago. She passed me a cup of water and I sipped it. It hurt to swallow but it felt good to have something to drink because of how dry my throat was.

"Okay, do you remember what happened to you?" she questioned and I nodded. She wrote something down on a board before looking up at me. She asked me a few more questions she began to tell me what happened to me.

"Right, so when you were beaten you were punched a few times in the torso which caused you to fracture a two ribs. So when you breathe deeply and you are suddenly in pain, that is why. Also you were hit in the face but luckily there was no bad damage done. Just a few bruises and bumps but the last two things I have to tell you may be of a shock to you and may be upsetting" She told me and sighed deeply.

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