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"Poppa!" Ellie yelled as she ran to meet my dad. He flew into Sydney today and we decided to pick him up from the airport. Macy fell asleep in the car so I got out the stroller and laid her in it.

"Hi... Macy?" He joked and she laughed.

"No! I'm Ellie" She giggled. He laughed as he picked her up and hugged her.

"I'm sorry sweetie" He said as they hugged.

"It's okay" She smiled. He walked over to me and hugged me with one arm as he held Ellie on his hip.

"Hey" I smiled at him.

"Hey Liv, how are you going?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright I guess. I am just missing Luke, that's all" I said and he nodded. Ellie sat on dad's hip as we made our way to baggage claim. As we were walking I could feel people watching us. I heard a few squeals behind me as some girls came running over.

"Oh my god! You are Olivia Hemmings! Can we get a photo?" They asked and more people began to come over.

"No, sorry" I said. Macy woke and eventually began to cry as it got louder. There were camera's everywhere as we tried to move but we were stuck. I looked to Dad who was holding a very scared Ellie. "Please step back!" I yelled out. Some people gave up and walked away but there was still quite a crowd. Macy started screaming and Ellie was freaking out. "Get away from me and my daughters!" I screamed. My dad started to yell at the fans and I could feel my breath quickening.

I could see the crowd thinning out as security gaurds started to get people away from us.

"Stupid bitch" I heard one of the fans say as she gave up.

"Oh fuck off" I said loudly to her as I grabbed Macy from the pram. I held her close to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

"Just kill yourself" The girl said to me. "And kill those ugly kids too" She said with a sly smirk before walking away. I turned to my Dad who was calming down Ellie and I shook my head. I pressed my lips to Macy's hair as I calmed her down.

"It's okay baby" I whispered in her ear.

"Shit," My dad mumbled. "Look at this" He said as he showed me Ellie's arm. It was all red and it had a hand print on it like someone had grabbed it. There was scratches up her arms and one on her cheek.

"They are disgusting. I am sick of this shit. That is the last straw. If anyone touches my kids I will destroy them" I said. "Ellie, honey," I said. She looked at me with big, teary eyes and it broke my heart. "Are you okay baby?" I asked and she nodded. "We are going home okay? No one else will hurt you" I told her before kissing her cheek. I put the two of them in the stroller and security escorted us to baggage claim before walking with us to the car.

My dad drove us home because I was still pretty shaken up and angry. I directed him to our new house. Once we pulled into the garage I got the girls out of the car and walked with them to the kitchen.

"Ellie, I need to clean up your scratches okay?" I said and she nodded. I picked her up and put her on the bench before getting out the things I needed.

"Mummy?" Macy said as she stood near the bench.

"Yeah baby?" I asked as I looked down at her.

"I have an ow" She said and showed me her arm. I shook my head as I picked her up off the ground and put her on the bench. I cleaned up the scratches on both of them.

"I just want to take a picture of this" I said to them both. I took pictures of all their scratches and the hand mark on Ellie's arm before putting them on the floor. I put a movie on for them and Jackson cuddled up to them on the couch. I went to the family room where dad was with his bags. He called Mark when we got home so hopefully he is done now.

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