Settling In

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"Okay, well I am going to unpack my things" I said. Luke nodded before sitting down on the bed. I pulled my big suitcase over and unzipped it. After about 15 minutes I had put all my stuff away and was making my way to the laundry. I put my dirty clothes in the washing machine before turning it on and making my way back to mine and Luke's room. I walked in and laid down on the bed next to Luke.

"You okay beautiful?"

"yeah, I think I am going to go have a shower though"

"Mind if I join ya?" Luke said with a smirk. I laughed as I got off of the bed. I walked over to the set of draws and got out some clean PJ shorts and some underwear. I looked over at Luke who was watching me. "Do you want a shirt?" He asked with a smile and I nodded. He got up and walked over to me. He got out one of his shirts from the draw. It had a big smiley face on it.

"Hey this is the one you wore in the try hard video"

"you watched it?"

"Of course I watched it. I watched it the day you uploaded it to YouTube and I cried because I was proud of you all but I missed you all"

"Aw baby that's so cute" He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah, I am going to go shower" I said before kissing his cheek. He let go of me and showed me where the bathroom was. "Thank you" I said as I closed the door. I placed my things down before turning the water on. I was about to get out of my clothes but my phone buzzed, it was a tweet.

@Luke5SOS: I miss you :-( come back here and cuddle me @Liv_Obrien

I opened it up and retweeted it. I was about to lock my phone but my finger accidently touched the mentions button. It popped up and all I saw was hate. They were horrible. I locked my phone quickly before stripping of my clothes. I stood beneath the warm water as the words from the social media site flooded my mind.




Attention seeker

I felt tears pool in my eyes and soon they fell. I hugged my body tightly as I scratched the skin at on the sides of my torso. I slowly fell to the ground and hugged my knees close to my chest as I cried. My thoughts were soon interrupted when there was a knock at the door. Tears continued to spill as a small amount of blood came from the side of my body.

"Liv, we are all going to go out to dinner and I need to shower. Do you mind if I jump in with you? We have to leave really soon" Luke called from the other side of the door. I didn't respond because I didn't trust my voice. "Baby, are you okay?" He said and i stayed quiet. After a few seconds he knocked again. "Say something Liv"

"Luke, I need you" I cried and I heard the door open.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked as he pulled the curtain back. i looked up at him and shook my head.

"No" I croaked as i closed my eyes and pulled my knee's closer to my body. I leant my head on my knees as I dug my fingernails into the skin on my thigh. I heard the shower curtain get pulled back again and cool air hit my wet skin. I shivered. Luke helped me up before pulling me into his chest.

"It's okay, I'm here" He whispered against my hair. After a few minutes I started to calm down. "What's wrong?" he asked as I started to cry again.

"Th-they are so mean" I said against his chest.


"The people on twitter" I said and he tightened his grip around me.

"Just ignore them, okay. They are just jealous people that need to get a life and stop lying" He said and pressed a kiss to my head.

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