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"I can't believe I am leaving" Luke said as we stood in the air port waiting for his flight to be called.

"I know" I said quietly, the lump in my throat had returned. "I don't want you to go" I said as I tried to keep my tears in.

"I don't want to leave you" he said as he wrapped his arms around me. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek. In an hour Luke will be gone along with Calum, Ashton and Michael. They will be gone and I won't see them for months.

"I'm going to miss you so much" I said as I began to cry against his chest.

"I am going to miss you too" Luke said and his voice cracked. I looked up to see his eyes were brimmed with tears. "I love you so much" He said and I went up on my tip toes to kiss him. When I pulled away I cupped his cheeks in my hands.

"I love you" I whispered as i caressed his cheek with my thumb softly. "Promise me that we will face time and talk as much as we can"

"I promise baby" He whispered before kissing the top of my head again. My eyes closed and I laid my forehead on his chest. "I am going to go say goodbye to my family. I will be back in a moment" He said and I nodded slightly before he walked off. I sat down on one of the seats near by and looked at my feet as I fiddled with my fingers.

"hey, are you okay?" A boy asked me as I cried. I looked up to see a boy about Ashton's age looking at me.

"I'm fine" I said as I looked at my hands. He sat down next to me and I rolled my eyes, not wanting to be near anyone at the moment.

"Are you sure? You don't look okay" He said and placed a hand on my thigh. I pushed off his hand roughly and turned to look at him.

"look, my boyfriend is leaving to go on tour for months and I am going to miss him so-"

"That doesn't sound like a very good boyfriend. I mean, wouldn't he rather stay here and be with you"

"No. He is going to go live his dream so I am happy for him. Just leave me alone" I said as I stood up and made my way back over to the others. Ashton saw me and he walked up to me.

"Who was that?" He asked as he looked at the boy who sat down next to me and was still looking at me.

"I don't know. He just started talking to me" I told him as I wiped away a tear. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I laid my forehead on his chest and took a deep breath.

"Baby?" I heard Luke's voice from behind me. I turned to see him there and I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him again. "Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded. We stayed like that for about five minutes. Just holding each other in silence. I pulled back after a while and looked up at him.

He looked like he was barely keeping in his emotions. Every now and then he would take a really deep breath and run his fingers through his hair like he usually did when he was nervous or sad. This will be the longest time Luke and I will have had apart while we have been dating. It is going to be hard but we will get through it, I know we will.

"Luke," I said and he looked me in the eyes. His eyes were watery which caused more tears to slip down my warm cheeks. "I love you" I told him and he nodded as he buried his head in my neck. I knew that if he spoke he would break so I just wrapped my arms around him tightly and cried into his shoulder. "No matter where you are I will love you. You are my everything Luke. I will be right here waiting for you when you get back, I promise" I said and he pulled away to smile at me.

"I love you too Liv, we will see each other soon. I promise" he said just as their flight was called.

"Don't make promises you can't keep Luke"

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