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It has been five days since Luke's birthday and we are now in New York. We arrived here yesterday afternoon. The boys and I were planning on relaxing a bit by heading off to the movies today.

"Olivia" Luke sung from the bed room.

"Yeah?" I questioned as I walked out of the bathroom in just my skinny jeans and black bra as I held my make up brush in my hand.

"Shit Liv" Luke said as his eyes went wide when they landed on my cleavage.

"What? What is it?" I questioned as I looked at my body.

"Nothing, you just look so beautiful" He said with a big smile as he looked at my body before back at my eyes. "But are you nearly ready?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I am nearly finished with my makeup" I told him before going back to the bathroom and finishing up with my make up. I grabbed my All Time Low shit and slipped it on over my head before getting my shoes. I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled on my socks. I could feel Luke moving behind me and I smiled as his legs appeared on either side of my body and his chest connected with my back.

"You look beautiful today" He whispered in my ear before laying his head on my shoulder. I shook my head before pulling on my shoes. When I sat back up, Luke's hands went to my waist and I laid my head back on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"I love you," I whispered before pressing my lips to his jaw. "So much"

"I love you too beautiful" He said in my ear which caused goose bumps to rise on my skin.

"Can you help me put the bandage on my wrist?" I questioned and Luke nodded. We both walked into the bathroom and I sat on the closed toilet lid as Luke knealed in front of me. He placed the bandage on my lap and lifted my wrist up.

"I love you so much Olivia and I am sorry I wasn't there" he whispered as his eyes went glossy.

"It doesn't matter Luke. What's done is done, we can't change it now" I said quietly as I placed my hand on his cheek. I leant forward and pressed my lips to his forehead. His arms went to my back as his head rested on my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Thank you for caring so much Luke" I whispered. He lifted his head up and looked at me.

"Anything for you" He said before kissing quickly. He wrapped the bandage around my wrist carefully before picking me up and walking back into the bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and I laughed as he laid down next to me. He pulled out his phone and I rolled on to my side and laid my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and listened to him hum Amnesia. I smiled to my self as we laid together.

Luke's phone went off and I opened my eyes to see what it was. "Come on, the boys are ready" Luke said and I nodded.

We are now sharing a hotel room with Calum but he got ready earlier and went to Mike and Ashton's room. I shoved my phone in my pocket and Luke took my hand in his. We made our way out to the hall way and I could hear the boys laughing. We walked out to where the lift was and saw them mucking around as usual.

"Hey" I said and they turned to me.

"Liv!" Michael and Ashton said. They both ran over and hugged me. I laughed as they pulled away.

"Oh, by the way," Ash started as we stepped in the lift. "The fans that are down stairs are going crazy so we will need some security." He told us and my eyes went wide. Oh god. Luke's hand squeezed mine slightly and I looked up at him. He could tell I was worried so he let go of my hand and pulled me into his chest.

"It'll be okay baby" He said quietly before placing a kiss on top of my head. His hand rubbed my back slowly and then the lift stopped. We walked out and my grip on Luke's hand tightened when I saw the large crowd at the door. "Ouch! Liv, it's okay" Luke said and I loosened my grip.

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