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January 2022

"Macy! Ellie! Lunch!" I called through the house. I smiled as my two little three year olds came running into the room. I placed them up on their booster seats because they were too big for high chairs and too little to sit on big chairs.

It is now 2022 and things are going great. The girls are three and are getting really big. Madi and Michael got married and had a little boy named Alex, Calum also got engaged to Nikki and Ash and Becky are thinking about having kids soon and I really hope they have one because they would be great parents.

"Thanks mummy" Ellie said with an adorable lisp.

"It's okay baby." I smiled. I went to the kitchen to clean up and while I was there Luke turned up.

"Daddy!" Macy yelled excitedly as she went to get up.

"Macy Hemmings do not get up until you have eaten your fruit" I said and she groaned.

"But it's yucky" She pouted. Luke kissed my cheek before going over and sitting with the girls he got them to eat all their fruit before they jumped off their seats and cuddled him.

"How are my princesses going?" He asked and they giggled as they sat on his legs.

"Good" They smiled.

"Why don't you both go off to the lounge room while I talk to your daddy quickly" I said and they nodded before running out of the room. Luke stood up and leant against the bench before pulling me between his legs.

"Hey" He smiled before kissing me quickly. I smiled brightly at him as he leant his forehead against mine.

"I have some important news for you" I smiled at him and he crinkled his eyebrow at me. I placed my hands on his waist and my smile grew even bigger. "I have missed my period" I said and his eyes lit up.

"Really?!" He asked and I nodded.

"I want to take a test but we have none. Do you think you could run to the shops and pick some up?" I asked and he nodded. I pressed my lips to his and my hands went to his hair before we were cut off by the phone. I pulled away and sighed before answering.

"Hello?" I asked, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hey loser" Madi said and I laughed.

"Hey, when are you getting your arse over here? I feel like I haven't seen you in for ever"

"I saw you three days ago" She laughed.

"Well, three days ago was forever ago" I said with a laugh. "What's up?"

"Actually I was just ringing to see if you wanted to catch up" She said and I smiled.

"Yeah that would be awesome" I said. "When?"

"We have nothing on at the moment and Michael is home early, so did you mind if we came over. Our house is messy as fuck" She said and I heard Michael scold her for swearing near their little boy. Michael and Madi had a little baby boy and they named him Alex. He is so cute and I can tell that as soon as he is old enough Michael will be begging Madi to dye his hair.

"Yeah that's fine"

"Cool. Need anything from the shops?" She asked.

"Um... do you think you could pick up some pregnancy tests?" I asked her.

"Oh my god yes!" She said with a smile. "So you might be preggos again?"

"I will talk to you when you get here" I said with a laugh before hanging up. I turned to Luke and pecked his cheek. "Madi and Michael are coming over. Oh and you don't need to go to the shops. Madi is picking some up" I said and he nodded. I grabbed the girls plates before putting them in the dishwasher. Luke and I went to the lounge room where the girls were colouring in drawing books. Luke grabbed his guitar and the girls sat with him and watched.

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