You Won't Be Alone

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"What did you want to talk about?" Luke asked as he laid down on the bed next to me and pulled the blanket over him self. "Tonight, you said you would talk to me about something later. What is it?" He questioned as he placed a hand on my hip and used the other to play with my hair.

"Your mum told me something interesting tonight. Something I hadn't found out about yet" I said quietly before breathing out deeply. "My family is moving away, soon I think. They hadn't told me, but your mum heard them talking" I told him.

"Why wouldn't they tell you?" Luke asked me quietly as he shuffled closer to my body.

"I don't know" I said as I leant my forehead against his. "It just sucks you know" I said as I pulled away and sat up. "Like mum re-married and now she just doesn't care about me... it's like 'Oh I have a new family now so just fuck off Olivia. We don't really want you anymore but we are going to put up with you because you are a pathetic little shit'" I said angrily as I threw my hands around in the air to try and get my point across.

"Baby, calm down" Luke said as he sat up and took my hands in his.

"It's true though Luke. You know it's true" I told him as I turned to look at him.

"Even if it is true, which it isn't, then you always have me. I will always be here for you. I am your family"

"No you won't Luke! You won't be here!" I said loudly as tears filled my eyes. Luke looked taken aback at my words. "You are going to go away for months and months and I will be here alone. I won't have anyone because you will be gone and so will Calum and Michael and Ashton. I will be all alone and you won't be here for me" I said as tears slipped down my cheeks and I covered my cheeks with my shaky hands. Luke wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap.

"Olivia, I am sorry about all this distance. I wish I could take you with me but I can't. You have to stay here and get on with your life. You have to go to school and succeed in life" He whispered in my ear before kissing my temple.

"I know. I'm sorry, I am just being stupid" I told him as I looked to my hands and began to play with my fingers.

"No you aren't. I understand why you are angry and upset but for now lets just sleep. We only have a few days left together and I want us to be happy plus I want to take you somewhere tomorrow" He said and I turned to smile up at him.

"I love you Luke" I whispered before leaning up and kissing him softly.

"I love you too" He whispered as he pulled away and nudged my nose with his own. We laid down on the bed once more and said goodnight before we both fell asleep to the sound of each others slow breathing patterns.


"Liv, wake up" I heard Luke's voice say as my shoulder shook. My eyes opened to see Luke sitting on the edge of the bed with a big smile. "Morning sleepy. It's 10:30" He said as I smiled as I stretched.

"It's still early, why are you waking me up?" I asked him with a smile as I sat up.

"Because we are going out today" He said before kissing me quickly.

"Where are we going?" I questioned him as he continued to sit in front of me.

"Somewhere" He smirked.

"Oh my god! I can't wait to go somewhere!" I said sarcastically as I covered my mouth in mock surprise. He laughed before pinning me down on the bed.

"You are such a smart arse" He asked.

"I try" I said with a smirk and he kissed me before letting me get up.

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