Park Visits

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My phone wouldn't stop ringing. Luke, Calum, Ash and Michael were all trying to get hold of me but I wouldn't answer. I told Madi what happened and she told me that I had every right to be pissed. I stayed at her house that night. She told me that I could stay as long as I needed but I would need to sort things out with him eventually.

"Liv?" I heard Madi say the next morning.

"Yeah?" I asked as I sat up on her couch.

"I'm going out for a little while. Will you be okay here?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay, I won't be long" She smiled. "Call if you need anything" She said and I nodded.

Once she left, I got up to go to the bathroom. Once I had done my business and washed my hands, I went back to the couch. I pulled the blankets around me again and grabbed my phone. I had heaps of texts from Luke. I went through them all and it was just him saying that he was sorry and that he loves me.

I rolled my eyes and I saw a notification from twitter which meant that Luke had tweeted. I opened it up, intrigued as to what he had said.

Luke5SOS: I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things

When I saw what he said I burst into tears. I miss him. I just wish that I hadn't have left LA all those months ago. I wish I stayed with him then maybe none of this would have happened.

My phone started to ring and it was someone that hadn't called yet. Liz. I answered her call and lifted it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said with a rough voice from crying.

"Liv, are you okay?" She questioned.

"Not really" I whispered as slow tears began to fall down my cheeks. "I miss him" I told her.

"Sh, it's okay. Where are you?"

"At my friends house" I informed her. I gave her the address and she made her way over. I opened the door and wrapped my arms around her.

"You can't give up on him" She whispered as she hugged me. I pulled back and wiped away my tears.

"He gave up on me first" I said and she shook her head. We sat down on the couch and she sighed. I crossed my legs and wiped my tears away before clasping hands together and looking at Liz.

"Luke didn't mean anything of what he said. He was scared and worried"

"Of what?" I asked quietly.

"Liv," She breathed. "he relapsed while he was on tour" She told me and my breath caught.

"No... He was okay. He told me he was okay" I said as tears formed in my eyes. I shook my head as I put my head in my hands. "It's my fault... I shouldn't have yelled at him" I said as tears fell down my cheeks again as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"It's not your fault" She said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I asked her.

"He didn't want you to worry" She said with a deep breath. "He wanted to focus on your school work" I just shook my head. "He really loves you Olivia" She whispered.

"No he doesn't. If he loved me then he would have come here himself. He would have told me what happened instead of sending you" I said angrily. Liz shook her head at me as I wiped away my tears.

"Liv, who's this?" I looked up at the door to see Madi.

"Madi, this is Liz, Luke's mum" I said and they greeted each other.

"Madi, can I speak with you quickly?" Liz asked and she agreed. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my headphones and put them in my ears before plugging them into my phone. I pressed shuffle and drowned out everything with All Time Low. I laid on the couch for ages just ignoring the world.

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