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"What's up?" I asked Luke as he shut the door behind us. I turned around to look at him but he just pressed his lips to mine. I pushed him away from me and to a few steps back. "Luke? What are you doing?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"It's okay Olivia. I am not going to do anything you don't want me to" Luke said as he held his hands up. My hands were shaking at the thought of what Brad did to me. "I miss you Olivia" Luke said as he stepped forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and sighed, oh god I love this boy so much.

"I miss you too" I whispered before leaning up and hesitantly pressing my lips to his. As soon as our lips touched again all my worries disappeared. Our lips moved perfectly together as I could feel those fireworks again. He picked me up and my legs locked around his waist as my arms draped over his shoulder. He started to walk as his lips travelled down to my neck. He was been very careful with me. Like he thought that I might break. I felt my back come in contact with a mattress

"I love you" He whispered as he pulled away from me. My eyes opened and met his. I knew he meant what he was saying just by the way he was looking at me. He used to look at me like that when we were dating. His gaze was always so full of love and it was so caring. I missed that look he would give me.

"I love you Luke. I really do" I replied with a smile. He smiled at me before pressing his lips to mine. After a few moments he pulled away.

"Liv, will you please be my girlfriend again?" He asked. My heart skipped a beat just like it did when he asked me to be his girlfriend in Sydney.

"Of course" I whispered before kissing him again. The kiss deepened quickly and my hands travelled down to his shirt.

"Is this all right?" Luke asked as he pulled away and I didn't say anything, instead I tugged my shirt up and over my head. Once his shirt was removed my hands traced his scars. I flipped us over and leant down to his sides. I pressed kisses along the skin.

"Did you do it again?" I questioned him as I looked up at him he nodded his head. He told me that he only did it a few times when things got really bad. I kissed his sides a few more times before pulling me back up to him. I sat up so that I was straddling him as he took my hands in his. He pressed kisses along my wrists and I decided that I wanted him to see them all. "Luke?" I asked.


"I want to show you all of them" I whispered. His eyes looked sad as he nodded. I got off of him and stood up. I undid my jeans and took them off. I walked up to Luke who was watching me from his seated position on the edge of the bed. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me between his legs.

"Where are they baby?" He asked. I looked down to the top of my thighs which were covered in scars. I felt tears brim my eyes as he looked at them. My eyes closed and I covered my face with my hands as I started to cry quietly. I felt Luke's fingers trace the scars lightly.

"I am so sorry" He whispered. I felt my hands being pulled away lightly. I looked at Luke quickly before looking at the floor. I felt his fingers beneath my chin and he slowly guided my gaze back to him. "Please tell me you got help" He said as I sat down on his knee. I nodded.

"Yeah I did, I got help after I tried to kill my self. I refused to go and then when that happened I knew that I needed to go but I haven't self harmed in" I looked away as I counted the months on my fingers. "four and a half months"

"I am so sorry but I am so proud of you" He whispered as he leant his forehead against mine. My eyes closed and Luke pressed his lips to mine again. "I love you" He mumbled against my lips. "I love you so, so much" He said as he pulled away slightly. My eyes opened and I saw Luke looking at me.

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