Calm Down

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*Luke's POV*

"You okay Luke?" Cal asked me as he walked into our hotel room. I shook my head. "What's wrong?"

"It's Olivia." I said as I looked at him from the couch and continued to shake my leg nervously.

"What happened?"

"I tried to call her at our usual time. Just after she would get home from school and just as I would wake up. But the thing is she didn't pick up"

"And? Maybe she's busy" Cal said as he shrugged his shoulders and fell onto the couch next to me. I shook my head at him.

"She always picks up but she didn't today and I knew something was wrong. So I tried calling her again and again and she didn't pick up. So I called mum and sent her around to our place to see if she is okay and I haven't heard anything since"

"Okay, that is weird" Cal said as his eyebrows came together. "But lets try and get your mind off it. We have to go and do a few things today and then we can go out for lunch or something. Sound good?" Cal asked and I nodded.

For majority of the day we did stuff for the band, like interviews, signing stuff and other random stuff but I wasn't really concentrating because I just needed to know that Olivia was okay. It was now lunch time and the boys and I were heading to this burger place that is said to be amazing. We got there and got a table before ordering our food.

"Have you heard anything about Olivia?" Cal asked. I was about to shake my head but my phone began to ring. I snatched it up from the table as quick as I could and checked to see if it was my mum or Olivia. It was mum. Oh no.

"Hello?! Mum, is she okay? What happened?" I asked quickly and the boys all looked at me intently.

"Luke..." She started and my heart sank. It sounded like she had been crying. Please Olivia, be okay. Be okay baby.

"What happened?" I asked sadly.

"She's in hospital" She said and I dropped my head.

"What did she do?" I asked quietly, trying to keep everything in as I spoke. I knew something had to have happened. Mum would have called straight back if something didn't.

"I think she should tell you for her self"

"I am coming home. Tonight. I am catching the first flight home" I told her.

"No, don't you dare" My mum said sternly. "Luke just stay where you are"

"No, I have to be there for her this time. I have to" I said as tears started to form in my eyes. What if I lose her? What if she dies in that hospital bed and I don't get to tell her I love her for the last time?

"Luke please stay there"

"Tell me what happened"

"I can-"

"Yes you can. Tell me... please" I begged quietly.

"She cut her wrist too deep and... she started to bleed out. If I had gotten there just a little bit later she could have died" She said and my breath caught in my throat as I began to feel slightly dizzy.

"S-she's okay though?" I questioned.

"I am not sure Luke. She hasn't woken up yet" She said and I shook my head. This can't be happening. This has to be a horrible nightmare. I stayed quiet. Not knowing what to do. My mouth hung open but nothing came out. "Luke?"

"She has to be okay" I told her before breaking down. I dropped the phone on the table as I crossed my arms and laid my head on the table. Tears began to slip down my cheeks. What if she doesn't make it?

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