Family Holidays

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"Macy! Ellie! Stop jumping on the bed or else we won't go see daddy and your uncles tonight!" I yelled at the misbehaving five year olds.

"But Mummy, it's fun" Ellie whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you two dressed?" I asked as I changed James' nappy. They nodded as they stood in front of me. I smiled at the outfits I picked out for them. They look like little rockstars with their black skinny jeans and a 5SOS shirt on. They also had these little leather jackets that Luke had gotten for them a while ago. Once I finished dressing James in his little jeans and 5SOS shirt I laid him down in his portable cot before doing the girls hair.

It's funny, Macy and Ellie look completely identical but their hair is different colours. Macy's is the same as mine and Ellie's is just like Luke's. I pulled their hair back into piggy tails before putting red bows in their hair.

"You girls look great" I smiled at them as I tucked my hair behind my ear. I checked the time on my phone before cursing.

"Mummy! Don't swear!" Macy scolded me as she put her hand on her hip and pointed at me.

"Sorry" I said with a laugh as I got up from the floor and got dressed. I put on a pair of dark wash blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I grabbed Luke's red plaid shirt and put it on over the top before rolling the sleeves up slightly. I got the stroller ready for James before there was a knock on the door. I went over and answered it and smiled when I saw Luke.

"Sorry, I forgot my key card" He said before kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes at him as I shut the door. "You girls ready to rock?!" Luke asked loudly and the girls laughed.

"Yes!" They called out and I laughed at them. I pulled on my black doc martens before picking James up and putting him in his stroller. Luke was chasing Ellie and Macy around but it all ended when Macy fell over and started to cry. Luke picked her up and cradled her in his arms as Ellie walked over to me.

"Luke, can you put her shoes on?" I asked Luke and he nodded. He sat her down on the couch and I threw him her red converse. I tied Ellie's laces before we all left. Macy and Ellie held Luke's hands as he led us to the car. He put the girls in their seats while I fixed James up. Once they were in we got in before the driver began to make his way to the venue.

"You are looking good tonight baby" Luke said with a smirk and I laughed. He draped his arm over my shoulder as he kissed my forehead.

"Yucky!" Ellie said loudly as her and Macy covered their eyes. I laughed at them before kissing Luke quickly. We got to the venue a short time later and security were pushing fans away from our car as it pulled into the backstage carpark.

"Okay girls, you have to wear these until we get inside okay?" I said and they nodded. I covered their ears with earmuffs because of the intense screaming. I then covered James' head in a beanie and then with a small pair of earmuffs.

"You take them straight inside and I will grab the pram" Luke said and I nodded. I opened the car door and the screams intensified. I got out of the car before getting out Macy and Ellie. I told them to hold hands while I got James. Once I was holding James I grabbed Macy's hand and guided the two girls inside. Luke followed close behind me carrying the pram. Once we were inside Luke set up the pram and I placed James in there.

"They are so loud" I said and Luke nodded. He guided us towards the backstage lounge. When we walked in Macy and Ellie ran over to play with Alex. I laughed as I sat next to my pregnant best friend. "Hey" I said with a smile.

"Hey, how's it going?" She asked as I watched Calum pick up Macy and tickle her.

"All right" I smiled at her. "How about you two? Everything going good" I asked with a laugh and she nodded.

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