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When I woke the next morning Luke was still asleep next to me. He had his arm draped over my waist and a hand under his head. I smiled at him before leaning forward and kissing his nose. I carefully got out of bed, not wanting to disturb him. I got out some painkillers for him and poured him a glass of water. I placed them on his bedside table before having a quick shower. When I got out and dried my self off. I quickly slipped on my underwear and bra before walking out to the room to put on some shorts and one of Luke's t-shirts.

I looked over to Ashton's bed to see his bare back as he continued to sleep. It was past 10 in the morning so I sat down on the side of mine and Luke's bed and pulled out my phone. I decided to put a picture up on twitter. I snapped a picture of Luke sleeping before adding the text.

@Liv_obrien: Sleepy hemmo

I sent the tweet and Luke's phone went off. I was slightly confused because 1, I didn't mention him in the tweet and 2, I didn't think Luke would have his notifications on. I leant over the bed and picked up. I smiled when I saw my tweet. He had my tweets sent to his phone. I placed his phone back where it was before laying down. A few minutes later I heard a groan from beside me. I looked at Luke to see that his face was scrunched up as he began to move.

"Luke?" I questioned quietly. His eyes opened slightly and I smiled at him. "Morning. I have put some painkillers and some water on your bedside table. Take two and drink all the water" I said and he nodded. Once he had done that he laid back down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Did I do anything stupid?" He questioned as his eyes fluttered closed, his voice was a lot deeper than usual.

"Just funny things and adorable things" I whispered.

"Like what?"

"Well, you continuously told me that you loved me, you took me out to the dance floor and then you started to do the robot," I said and laughed at his horrified expression. "We practically had to drag you back to the hotel then when you got up here you insisted on calling your Olivia because she was back home and you missed her." I told him and he smiled at me briefly.

"That's not to bad, anything else?"

"Oh, once you finally got into bed. I laid down next to you and went to kiss your cheek but you pushed me away"

"What? Why would I do that?"

"Because you thought I was someone else and you said 'No, I have a girlfriend'. I then told you who I was and you were so happy. It was so cute" I said with a small giggle and he buried his head in my neck. I placed my hand on the back of his head and slowly ran my fingers through his hair.

"I love you Olivia" he whispered and I smiled as my eyes closed.

"I love you too Luke" I told him. We laid together for a while. Soon Luke's head ache went away and he decided to go have a shower. He pecked my lips with his own before stumbling towards the bathroom. I looked over to Ash and saw him moving around slightly. I got up and got him some water as well and took him some painkillers.

"Ash?" I asked as I sat on the side of his bed.

"Yeah?" he groaned.

"Here, take these and drink this" I said with a small smile. His eyes opened slightly and I gave him the things in my hands. Once he had taken them and drunk the water I took the glass from him before making my way to the small kitchen. I placed the cup in the sink before walking back to mine and Luke's bed. Before I could sit down I felt two arms around my waist. Luke picked me up and spun me around slightly. I laughed when he fell over and we fell to the ground.

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