Shopping Trips

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December 2017

"Come on Luke" I said as I pulled him away from the CD section of Target. He was telling me all about how awesome this album he had been listening to. The thing was, I already knew about it because we listened to it in the car on the way here.

"But it's just so great!" He said and I laughed. His hand grabbed mine and our fingers entwined. He pressed a kiss to my cheek as we walked.

"We need to get a christmas present for your parents, my dad, madi and Ashton. Then we are all done" I said as I looked at the list on my phone.

"You are so cute" Luke said with a goofy smile. I giggled slightly as I felt my cheeks go warm. We turned down an isle to go to the book section to see if there was anything there for Madi. As we were walking we wondered past the baby section and it made me realise how desperately I wanted a child of my own. Considering that Luke and I had been married for just over a year and we were only twenty-one, I thought that it might be a bit too early for us.

Ashton and Becky had reccently gotten married. They had a kind of big ceremony with their families and friends. It was quite a cute occasion. Madi and Michael were really serious and had moved in together but they don't seem like the kind of people to get married. They might one day, but not at the moment. Calum had also got a girlfriend. They got together about halfway through 2016. Her name is Nikki and they are perfect for each other. They recently moved in together and I can't get over how cute they are.

After we finished in target, Luke and I went and got some lunch. We went to grill'd and he said it was delicious.

The universe seemed to be rubbing in the fact that everyone had children because every where I turned I saw a woman or a man holding their child or laughing as their child told them something. I was ready to have a child of my own I just wasn't sure if Luke was.

"Did we need anything from the supermarket?" Luke asked.

"Uh, what sorry?" I asked as i dragged my eyes away from a mother smiling down at her child. Luke frowned slightly before following where my eyes were. I looked at the table as I felt a small blush on my cheeks.

"I asked if we needed anything from the supermarket" He said as his hand covered mine and squeezed it slightly.

"Yeah I need to get some stuff for dinner" I told him. He nodded before he took my hand in his. Luke grabbed a trolley and I went to place all the bags in there but Luke stopped me.

"Get in" Luke said.

"No! I will break it!"

"Olivia, don't say that. You won't break it, just get in" he said and I rolled my eyes before climbing in. A lot of people rolled their eyes at us as Luke pushed the trolley around the shops. I laughed as he began to spin it and there was little kids pointing and asking their parents if they could do that. Their parents just scolded them and rolled their eyes at us.

Once we got everything Luke went to the checkout.

"That looks like fun" The man behind the checkout said to me and I nodded. Once we had bought everything Luke pushed the trolley out to the car. As we walked I couldn't help but notice all the parents with their children. I looked up at Luke who was watching some parents with their child and he bit his lip before walking faster.

"You okay?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Yeah, I just want to get home" He said with a smile. Once we got to the car, we put everything in the boot before we got in the car. The car ride was quiet. The only sound was the radio as we both got lost in our own thoughts.

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